Chapter three: trip to the Realms

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Sinter woke up. He looked at Sierra's sleeping figure he blushed faintly "you look so much like her" he whispered as he sat at the side of her bed playing with her hair "can you stop touching my hair?" She asked eyes still closed he jumped back "sorry" he mumbled "it's fine" she said getting up. They both went downstairs to see Sierras mother with an excited look on her face "Sierra I have exciting news! today Sinter is going to take you to the realms today" Cindy smiled her mouth went agape "that's going to be so much fun" Sierra smiled "Where's your portal?" Sinter asked "the basement" Cindy said she hugged her daughter as they left to the basement.

"Hold my hand" Sinter said "someone's upfront" Sierra said looking at him "I don't want to but it's the only way to make sure you're safe" he said "fine" she huffed taking his hand "fu sho Dana ki sue yo" Sinter chanted his eyes glowed as the portal opened in front of them. She held his hand a little tighter in fear "you'll be okay" he whispered she nodded as they both walked into the portal.

They emerged into what looked like a palace in the sky it was floating on a cloud the whole kingdom looked to be made of ice "come princess I shall show you to your kingdom" he said letting go of her and and sticking his arm out she chained her arm with his as they walked throughout the kingdom. As they got to the palace they were met with judgmental stares "why is everyone looking at us like that?" Sierra asked with a hushed tone "must be because I'm from the fire realm" he said back as quietly "young princess you have returned home!" a woman said as she bowed "you must not remember me I am Serena Havoc your personal servant I tended to you as a child while your mother was busy ruling our fine kingdom" she said "it is very nice to see you again Serena" Sierra said "let's get you into a more appropriate attire my lady, who is your friend?" she asked "My name is Sinter Tash" he said "y-y-you're a Fire Mage from the Tash family! Please my lady step back they are very dangerous!" she shrieked "that is not words to be used for my protector" Sierra said to her "the queen ordered me to watch over her daughter and I believe I've been doing a fine job" Sinter said obviously hurt by Serena's words. "My apologize Sinter, my lady let us get you changed" she said taking her by the hand and leading her away from Sinter.

"So do you like Sinter?" she asked "yes of corse he is very kind, most of the time" Sierra said "no I mean as a boyfriend" Serena giggled "no! not at all he is simply a friend" Sierra said "how about this one my lady?" Serena asked she pulled out a strapless long light blue dress "do you have something shorter?" Sierra asked "yes this one!" Serena said pulling out a blue dress with light blue straps that went over the shoulders "perfect!" Sierra smiled. When she put it on she admired it in a crystal mirror on the wall it went down to her knees which showed her blue boots the straps hanging lightly off her shoulders but the dress stayed still on her body. It was tight at the top but flowed out at the bottom she also got a tiara. She walked out to see Sinter. He looked at her for a minute before blushing "you look amazing" he said "I mean for a Ice Mage" he said after blushing more "oh shut up" she laughed they walked around the village again everyone looked at them in awe as they saw Sierra. "Can I see the other realms or is that not allowed?" she asked "you can go to anyone but the underworld realm" he said "can we go to yours?" se asked "okay every one expect underworld and my realm" he said "why not" she asked him "because fire and ice realms do not get along" he said "oh" she answered simply just then a roar of thunder broke out. As it did Sierra jumped and held on to Sinter "don't be afraid I'm here" he said she looked at him in awe she let go blushing. "it's the thunder Realm" he said she looked over to the other cloud with bright yellow light surrounding it "it looks so beautiful" she said "over there's wind" he said pointing to opposite direction to the blue cloud moving in a slow circular motion "there's earth realm" he said pointing to the mountain on the cloud beside the thunder realm "and over there's my realm fire" he said pointing right across to what looked like a volcano on a cloud "and underworld is right below us" he said Sierra didn't bother to look down she was too afraid. "Everything here is so beautiful!" she said "It is quite breath taking" Sinter said Sierra nodded in response.

Back home her mother was taking a day off. As she was, she heard a banging coming from the door she went to go see who it was but as she did the door got kicked open "hello Queen Winters nice to see you again we are here to take you to the boss he's like to see you" the man said Cindy put her hand in front of her and tried to freeze the man but he broke free "that's not very nice" the man said he lunged at her and used his dark flames to tie her up but she froze the ropes and broke free she then made a door way of ice to stop him but he busted through she took out a dagger and began to try striking the man but he kicked it out of her hand than kicked her down "night night" he said as he knocked her out.

"Thank you for taking me to the realms" Sierra said smiling at Sinter "my pleasure" he shrugged they went upstairs to a trashed living room there were ice chunks all across the floor and the front door was kicked in "what happened?!" Sierra asked looking around "it wasn't a break in this was a Mage doing and I think I know which one" Sinter growled "mom!" Sierra yelled throughout the house she ran back to Sinter "moms gone" she said "they took the queen now I know who it is" Sinter said he ran back downstairs "where are you going?" she asked "the underworld realm" he said summoning the portal again "not without me" Sierra said sternly "it's too dangerous you'll get hurt" he said "I don't care you aren't going alone" she retorted "there's no changing your mind is there..." he said "nope now I'll be right back" she smiled she ran to her room got a black shirt and black shorts on and came back downstairs "okay let's go" she said she took his hand as they walked through.

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