Chapter five: jealousy and rivalry.

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Sinter and Scarlet walked through the dark valley Sinter was working hard to find Sierra while Scarlet was making sure he wouldn't find her even though she herself did not know where the ice princess had gone. After a while they reached a dark forest, Sinter looked in front of them and got an idea that she might have ran into it because it looked like it was on the way to the dark kingdom. "you stay here I'm going into the forest to see if I can find her" Sinter said Scarlet nodded and stood put while he ran into the forest.

"So Sierra want to play a game?" he asked she nodded and smiled she loved nothing more than playing a game. "Okay well race to the twisted tree over there" he said pointing to the tree that looked mangled and twisted "3...2...1...GO!" Sierra yelled as they both ran as they did Sierra reached the tree just before Ashtyn "I win" she laughed "I guess you did" he laughed with her she sat down and Ashtyn sat beside her she laid her head in the crook of his neck "you're really cute" Ashtyn said she started to blush. "You aren't to bad yourself" she said he moved her gently off his shoulder and looked at her they both stared into each other's eyes getting lost in the colours the closed their eyes and moved closer to each other their lips almost touched "Get off her. Now. " they heard a low dark voice say, she moved away and looked ahead of them to see a furious Sinter "what's wrong Tash? she's a beautiful, smart and funny girl all I wanted to do was express my feelings why do you care?" Ashtyn asked Sinter "you know damn well what's wrong get away from him Sierra" Sinter said "why should I? Ashtyn's been nothing but kind to me he tended to the burn wound you created and carried me to his home when I passed out from pain" she yelled at him Sinter looked hurt pain filled his eyes but Sierra didn't care "I didn't mean to hurt you Sierra I really didn't I let my emotions take control and I promise it won't happen again but right now you have to trust me to stay away from him" he said with pleading eyes she got up but as she did Ashtyn sprang up also "you aren't taking her away so easily" Ashtyn said he pulled Sierra in and kissed her as he did her blue hair turned white her skin turned pale he was sucking her life force out Sinter pushed him off and took out his sword before Ashtyn could and sliced his head off his body bursted and before his life force could fly Sinter captured it in a bottle and sealed it so it couldn't get away. He looked over to Sierra she was hardly standing "lay down Sierra" he said he helped her lay down and used his lap as a pillow for her "how are you feeling?" he asked "weak" she replied breathily I'm going to do something it will save you but, you can't hate me for it, okay?" he said she nodded he bent down and opened the bottle putting it to her lips she eat the soul and all her colour returned. "why would I have hated you for that?" she asked "I shoved a bottle down your throat?" He answered "not the worst thing" she said she looked sad "why are you upset?" he asked softly "that was my first kiss and it was meant to kill me" she said "how old are you again?" he asked "16" she said "and you've never been kissed" he said astonished "I've never been liked" she said "I find that hard to believe" he said "well believe it because it's true and I lost my first kiss to an asshole who wanted to kill me" she groaned "come on let's get going" he said picking her up bridal style and taking her out of the forest "oh you found her!" Scarlet said with fake enthusiasm. "Yeah I just saved her it was no big deal" he shrugged "I think she can walk by herself" Scarlet mumbled "no she got a soul replenish she has to stay off foot for a while" he said Scarlet huffed and Sierra loved the sight of the jealous red head. "I know a short cut to the kingdom" Scarlet said as she did she walked in the direction of the path. With Sinter and Sierra following behind.

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