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~ Prologue ~

She looked terrified not knowing what to do. Kill the man who pretty much killed him or help him, she stayed by his side. She cried and yet she could tell he wanted to wipe her tears but, he looked numb, paralyzed even. He can feel her shake as she holds his limp body 'it doesn't hurt I've been through worse' he thought . 'But, it hurts my heart to see her cry her hands are covered in my blood I feel I need to apologize though, I've never felt that before in my life time. She makes me crazy and makes me do crazier things' the thoughts continue to spiral in his mind. "It's not your fault you know, it's not like you made this happen" Sinter told her softly she looks at her dying guardian, tears forming once again, "if I wasn't so weak you'd be fine" she said chocking on her tears he chuckled darkly and response "hey you're not the one who shot me" he said as he continued to chuckle "how dense are you?? laughing when you're on the edge of life?!" she says bursting out into tears crying on his chest "hey, hey I have blood on this coat I don't need your tears on it" He plastered a side was grin on his face "you cocky bastard! you're dying and yet you're still insensitive" she yells lifting her head "hey, hey no yelling no tears" he said softly gently moving his arm to wipe her tears "how can I not cry?" she asked she put her hand on his and kept it on her cheek "when you're dying?" she asked trying to hold in the tears of frustration and pain "hey, who said I'm dying? you know me I'll be okay" he whispered as she cried more "what did I say? no tears from a fighter" he said she cried more "I'm not a fighter I never was" she said holding him closer "you are, you always were you needed a push" he said "you were my push. My guide without you what am I?" she asked "you're, you! a fantastic, beautiful fighter as without me you're the same" he said looking her in the eyes he wanted to cry but he held his ground. Even though he was a hard shell of a fighter who tried not to let anyone in but underneath he was soft, kind and gentle he never wanted to show it.

Never again.

(Just A little taste of the book)

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