Chapter one: meet Sinter

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It was a mid summer day in Manhattan New York, 16 year old Sierra Winters was out on her summer job of working in her aunts flower shop. "Sierra! can you rap up a bouquet of roses for Mrs. Jason's?" Lilian Winters asked her niece "sure aunt Lilly" she yelled back smiling she rapped the roses up and brought them to the elder woman at the register "thank you Sierra" she smiled as She handed Sierra 15$ as she did Sierra opened the cash register to get ten dollars only to have Mrs. Jason's wave it off "you need the money young one keep the change" she said as she left. Sierra looked confused but pushed it aside "Sierra I need you to rap four more orders and deliver them" her aunt yelled she huffed and got back to work. She rapped up the orders put them in the basket of her scooter and left to do her job "she better be careful" her aunt said shaking her head.

As Sierra rode on her bike she thought to herself 'Why do these orders need to be so far away from each other?' She asked herself "everything is boring here this is New York isn't everything supposed to be exciting?" She said to herself she went to the first house and knocked on the door as she did it creaked open by itself she stepped in "hello?" She asked she saw the state of the house it looked as if the room was torn apart by a tornado she walked in feeling a slight breeze on the back of her neck, she shivered as she walked quietly down the creaky hallway she walked into the kitchen everything was pulled out and destroyed. It turned hot as if she was in an oven "why is it so hot?" she whispered to herself in confusion "I get it's summer but this is ridiculous" she continued to question "where is it?!" She heard a voice say "I'm not telling you" she heard another voice said she walked slowly towards the living room to see a man with medium sized straight hair covering one of his eyes with a black cloak on and black pants along with a belt with daggers and guns. Sierra almost squeaked in fear at the sight of him the other was a hooded figure with an eye patch and electric blue hair "you can't crack me hot head" the hooded figure snared " I'm not trying to crack you last time I checked you are not an egg I'm gonna burn you till hells fires feel cool in comparison" the other man said he raised the other hand not used to clench the sweater of the other male. A ball of fire emerged into his hand and into his leather gloves at this point Sierra tried to run in fear of the two but in the process tripped on a risen piece of floor board they both looked at her the flame that had emerged from the mans hand extinguished "till the next fight shadow slayer" the man that the other had been holding and threatening to burn disappeared as he did the other boys eye darkened "you idiot you let him get away!" he growled he looked at the frightened girl as she backed away from him in fear he sighed "calm down kid I'm not going to hurt you" he said she took time to analyze his voice it was deep but very smooth like the ocean, but darker. "Who are you calling kid?" she asked scowling at him "the stupid child in front of me" he growled back "what are you?" she asked he got closer to her almost close enough for them to touch "what do you mean?" he asked "the fire! I saw it! it came from your hand!" she exclaimed he moved back "shit" he silently cursed to himself "listen to me kid you're not safe now if you let anyone else know they will be in danger, my names Sinter Tash I am a Shadow Slayer which is where we defeat darkness I'm a Fire Mage" he explained "so that's how you were able to make the fire appear" Sierra exclaimed he nodded "listen to me act like nothing happened you didn't see anything, you never met me, that way you'll be safe" he said to her she nodded understanding as she did he ran out leaving her alone. She ran outside to find he was gone she went back on her scooter to deliver the rest of the orders but she couldn't forget what happened. No matter how hard she tried.

She returned home and went to her room she looked herself in the mirror her hair for as long as she could remember had always been an icy blue as if it was dyed over with light blue dye her friends called her icy for most of her life her eyes were a pale green she was slim and pale and not to tall for her age, she huffed at the day she was having she moved her hair and admired what her parents told her was a birth mark It looked as if it was a 'S' her mother always told her it was like it was her destiny to be named Sierra for the birthmark on her neck. Her mom was asleep she always worked long hours, she'd get up early go to work and return home tired out of her mind eat and go to sleep. It was a lonely life for Sierra Winters but she could manage. She got into her night gown a red thin strapped sleeping gown and as she did she say at her dresser in front of her mirror on too of it, brushed her icy blue hair and sang to herself a song she had known for a long time 'till darkness comes in till the sun goes away we stay, we stay, and forever be this way till dawn breaks till everyone's safe I'll keep you in my arm' she sung that line over and over as she did she heard her window open she looked at it for a second before she walked towards the window and closed it "you're not a bad singer, though I've heard better" she heard a deep voice chuckled she turned to look behind her and jumped back "what the hell are you doing here?!" she asked obviously upset that he intruded "hey hey that's rude to say to a guest" he chuckled again "you are no guest you are an intruder" she murmured under her breath rolling her eyes "anyways so I'm here to make sure you aren't dead" he said looking around the room "why would I be dead?" she questioned "and why would you of all people care?" she asked again "because you saw the shadow demon stupid this is your own doing and I care because I don't want more blood on my hands" he said, Sierra huffed her hair moving with the turn of her head, as it did Sinter became curious about the mark on her neck that was now exposed and got closer to her, she looked at him and jumped back "calm down I want to see something" he said calmly she nodded and walked closer to him he moved her hair and looked at her neck "when did you get this?" he asked sternly "when did I get what?" She asked "this mark this 'S' on your neck when did you get it?" he asked "I've had it since birth it's a birthmark stupid" she said he took off his cloak under it was a black tank top that outlined his toned body she tried not to stare but found it hard "take a picture it'll last longer" he scowled she scowled back at him "like is ever want to look at more of you" she said crossing her arms "look at my shoulder" he said she looked at it to find the same mark "it's the mark of a Shadow Slayers" he said looking at me "what's your favourite season?" he asked "winter" She answered quickly "why?" he asked "because it's cold and nice" she said he then quickly took water out from his belt and threw it up in the air her eyes flung opened as they did the drops froze and broke into little what looked to be sparkles "Ice Mage" he said nodding "how the hell did I do that?!" she asked scared "you posses a power no mere human has you have the ability to freeze objects I have the ability to sinter objects and burn them to a crisp that's where I got my name" he explained "here, we have to control your power so wear this" he said handing her a necklace with a snow flake she put it on "it will control your power so you do not accidentally freeze someone or something you don't mean to" he said she thanked him "doesn't look that bad on you" he said admiring her "its supposed to only look good on mature girls" he said she slapped him in the face he laughed at her reaction "you're a jerk" she yelled just then she heard a knock on her door "Sierra? what's going on who are you talking to?" her mom asked she opened the door to see Sinter and Sierra, as Sinter saw Sierras mother he kneeled before her "I apologize Cindy Winters I did not mean to disturb you" Sinter said worriedly she looked at him and smiled shaking her head "arise young Fire Mage" she said Sierra looked confused "I had no idea this was the household of the royal family please forgive me" he said "you are forgiven Sinter I see you have shown my daughter the power she possesses" her mother said "your daughter? she's the princess of the Ice Mage's?" he asked as he did she nodded "and mom you didn't tell me any of this because?" she asked her mother "because I thought you were way to young" I couldn't let you face the realms by yourself it's too dangerous" she said "when you were younger we were attacked by the Underworld Realm or as a lot of people call it the Shadow Realm home of the Shadow Flame Realmers and in fear I hid you away till you were old enough to fend for yourself" she said she looked over to Sinter "Sinter Tash how old are you?" she asked "seventeen my queen" he answered "and have you mastered your powers along with the ability to not use a training piece?" she asked him "yes of course" he answered "then I have a job for you" she said "yes madam?" he asked her "watch over my daughter with your life, protect her and make sure she's safe" she told him "woah woah woah mam I'm sorry that's a lot to carry I cannot take care of a child" he said "she's 16" her mother pointed out "still I cannot be responsible for the princess that's way to much responsibility for me plus my father would have my head" he insisted "please I will talk to your father and make sure he realize how responsible you've be me he will be sure to be fine with it" she pleaded, Sierra gave a look of pure please don't he kneeled down again "I promise to protect her with my life" he said "thank you you are allowed to spend the night if you please I am off to bed goodnight" she said as she left Sierra tried to analyze all that had been said "I know this is a lot to take in-" she stopped him "I'm a Ice Mage not only that a princess" she said sitting on her bed "yep that's pretty much it" he said sitting beside her "and I've got to protect you" he said looking at her "you're going to protect me?" she asked "well I gave the queen my word so yeah I am" he said he hugged him he was taken aback "yore hugging me" he said "something wrong?" she asked moving back "Scarlet" he whispered "who's that?" Sierra asked he looked at her with hurt eyes "I have to go I'm sorry goodbye Sierra I will see you tomorrow" he said he went to the window, opened it and jumped out Sierra ran to the window to see him run down the dark boulevard. "Who's Scarlet?" she asked herself she shook her head "whatever it's his life not mine" she shrugged as she tucked herself in and fell asleep.

In the morning Sierra got up and dressed in black shorts and a dark blue thin strap top. She ran down stairs to see her mother "dressing for your new boyfriend?" she asked Sierra, Sierra started to blush "he isn't my boyfriend he's protecting me under your command" she muttered "oh come on now have your breakfast and make way to Aunt Lillian's flower shop I believe Sinter will be joining you on your orders?" she said/asked "if he's not being arrogant" she said. She kissed her mother goodbye and set off "I still wonder who Scarlet is" Sierra said to herself she looked up at the bright sky. She continued to walk "all in all he's not to bad actually" she said "you're not to bad yourself kid" I heard a voice say I looked around as I did I saw Sinter land in front of me "where did you come from?!" she asked "Fire Realm duh you're so dense sometimes" he said duly putting his hands behind his head "no I mean you just, fell in front of me" she said mouth agape "the tree" he said pointing to the big oak tree beside them "you don't have to be rude Sinter" Sierra said looking upset. "Look I have to protect you not be your friend" he said with poison dripping in his voice they stopped in their tracks "why are you so rude all of a sudden?" she asked trying not to be mean "because I am" he said sternly she walked faster away from him he ran to catch up to her "look in sorry I just got reminded of some, bad times and I took it out on you" he said looking at the ground "it's fine Sinter now come on I'm almost late for work" she said she grabbed his hand and ran in the direction of the shop.

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