I suggested for them to stop drinking since both of them were already swaying around the room like nuts. I don't even know why they were drowning themselves with alcohol.

"I know! I'll buy us some more drinks. There's a bar near here. I can get us 2 or 3 more bottles." Torn brimmed with his stupid idea.

"Yey!! I'll go with you! Hail the young master!" Kit stood up but was no longer able to hold his balance.

What am I supposed to do? I can't let two drunkards do as they please. They might end up sleeping on the streets or get into trouble.

"Shut up Kit! Where do you think you're going? You can't even walk." I scolded Kit.

"Then you go with Torn. I'll just wait here. Get us the strongest brand! Hahahaha!" Kit pushed me while Torn grabbed me by the shoulder and pulled me towards the elevator.

Both of them were reeking of booze. How many have they drunk? I was not able to count all the empty bottles. And there I was about to sleep when I got involve in their drinking spree. I promised myself to lock inside the room once we get back to the penthouse. I'll just have to plug cotton balls in my ears and let these two repent with hangover tomorrow morning.

When Torn and I got into the bar, I received a call from Forth. Damn it! I quickly ran outside the parking area to answer my phone. I have to lie to him and tell him that I was already in bed. I did not want him to worry since I was only babysitting two spoiled grown-ups. I hope I did not sound like an ass when making those alibis.

We head our way back to the hotel. While walking along the shore, Torn was already starting with another bottle. Indeed, he took the ones with the highest alcohol content. I had to support him since he was no longer capable of walking straight. What is wrong with them? Are they having a rough time to be drinking this much?

"Torn. Maybe you should stop. You might end up unconscious. I'm not strong enough to carry you back on my own."

"Haha.. I know. It's because you're small and cute."

"Stop with the drinking. Hand me those bottles." I took the bottles away from him.

"Why? Don't you like being called a cutie? Can't you see? That's the reason why Forth liked you."


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"Okay. That's enough. You're already drunk." I had to double my phase. I can feel Torn wobbling.

"No! I'll stop when I want to. Hey Beam.. Can I kiss you?"

"What? What's gotten in to you?" I keep on drawing his face away from me while dragging him back to the hotel.

"Why? Am I not good enough? Do you find me unattractive?"

"Torn. You're no longer in your proper mind. Let's get you back. We're almost there."

We lost balance and slumped on the cold fine sand. Torn grabbed my hand, he pulled me down and pinned me along the shore.

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