The Jealousy Game

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"Beam's POV"

Forth had asked me the third time already. He kept asking if I can still remember what happened that night  under the rain. Did i vomit? Was I talking while I'm unconcious? I told him already, the last thing I recalled is seeing him behind me, and the next thing I knew, I woke up with a naked pervert hugging me. What did he want me to remember?

He is defending himself. He told me he did that because I was freezing, but I bet he wanted to take advantage of me. I went home from their house that day without even seeing his parents who were still probably sleeping that morning. Forth offered to bring me back to the dorm, but he remembered that he left his motorbike at the waiting shed near my previous school. So I went home by cab.

Upon arriving at my dorm, I jumped in my bed and shrieked like a girl. Forth is alive! I can't still believe it! Not only that, I slept with him! And.. and... he's naked!!! Lord please take me now.. I took my pillow and shouted underneath it. It was the happiest day of my life.

I wanted to tell my friends about good news. I knocked at my neighbor/friend/Kit's room but seems like he was still sleeping. He must have gotten home late after the drinking party at the club last night. Then I called Pha.

"Hey Pha. Where are you?" I asked.

"In my dorm. Are you busy?"

"No. Why?"

"Great! All the stars and moons will be gathering at the university gym at 1 pm for our practice. You go there and help with the props."

He said all the moons. So Forth will be there too.

"Aye! Aye! Boss! 1pm at the gym." I answered happily.

I slumped back in bed thinking that I will get to see Forth again

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I slumped back in bed thinking that I will get to see Forth again. There hasn't been 2 hours since I left Forth's house but I already miss him. I checked my watch. I still have 3 hours before 1 pm. I have lots of time to prepare.

Because of my excitement, I came to the gym 30 mins earlier. Pha and the other moons were already there. I looked around but the person I wanted to see was not yet there. Better not to get upset. 'He will arrive soon', I said to myself. I approached the facilitator and volunteered myself to help them with anything they need. I was assigned to the foods and drinks of the contestants.

"Beam!" I heard Pha called so I approached him.

He was carrying a large box full of art materials.

"Yoh! Boss!. What do you need."

"I'm all sweaty but I can't put the box down. Can you get my handkerchief from my pocket."

I took it out from his pocket and started wiping his forehead and neck. I looked at him but he was looking at someone. He was smirking at a person from afar.

I looked around and saw Forth who just arrived. He was looking at us, his brows all curled up.

"Pha. What are you doing?" I asked.

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