Chapter 37

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A/N: Hello, my precious lovelies!!! 😄 I hope everyone is doing well and if not, I wish you the best and hope that an update on my part may cheer you up! 😊 But anywho, the question of how/ why Silver lost his pups to the 'removed' poison in his system shall be answered in this chapter. Sorry that this chapter is shorter than the rest, but I'm getting ready to go on a cruise for the first time in my life! 😄 I leave for the port in the morning (in 5 hours actually...) and while I'm enjoying the Western Caribbean, I hope y'all (I'm southern lol) will enjoy this latest update of Sin and Redemption! Now, enough of my rambling, I'm off to bed and I'll read everyone's comments once I'm back next Thursday, so until then, please like and comment! Later!! 😉


The next morning found Lord Mephiles and his family sitting down to meet the Cherub King for breakfast. The ebony male had deemed this a good day already, for he woke up to having his beautiful mate curled in his arms, said uke giving him a soft, lingering good-morning kiss once he was fully awake.

And once their sleepy pups were awake with everyone soon freshened up and ready for the new day, the small family was led back to the same dining hall where they'd dined with the King just that previous night with Tenshi joining them along the way.

"Good morning Silver, Mephiles...and pups," Suno greeted once everyone was had taken their seats, the angel chuckling when Reiketsuna waved at him, "I trust that you all had a good night's rest?"

The pups spoke for their parents, still very excited to speak to their new family member and to further elaborate on how their night had been and/or any dreams the babies may have had.

And Suno listened intently to everything the little ones had to say, even asking questions as the servants began to bring out breakfast.

His majesty and guests were served first before Tenshi then received his own meal, as per custom. Universally, it seemed, the person of highest status was always the first to be served as well as the first to eat, Mephiles noted. He had to be careful not to eat first out of habit so as to avoid unintentionally offending his fellow monarch in his own home. That was the last thing that he wanted to happen right now, so he had to remember to keep himself in check on certain matters of habit.

And once Lord Suno began, the others followed soon after and enjoyed light conversation with one another as they dined on the best delicasies the Cherub Lands had to offer.

And even Tenshi enjoyed the meal, having become engaged in conversation with little Jigoku, the pup curious about his line of work.

Mephiles paid his attention to his little girl, amused that Crystal could hardly pay attention to her breakfast without staring at the large wings tucked behind her new uncle's back, her amber eyes wide with awe. The pup was curious as to why Uncle Suno had wings and she didn't. She thought they were very pretty...

"Daddy, can I have wings too?" she innocently asked, making Suno smirk since she'd caught her father off guard with the question.

"Well..." he hesitated, for he knew that she would never truly have natural wings of her own. But maybe one day he and Silver could work on a spell for her to have ones made up of her own demonic energy once she was older.

"We'll see," he decided to say instead. "Wings are very rare, princess, but we shall see..."

"Yay!!" the little child cheered happily, going on to tell her father all about what she'd do if she had wings.

"Silver, after breakfast, I would like to have my healers look you over since you've been having various problems with your health. I can assign a trusted nanny to watch the children while you and your mate are occupied during that time, if you'd like," the Cherub King then suggested.

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