Chapter 2

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Silver traveled for nearly four weeks before he made it to the summit of the mountain. There was still a long journey up and down. It would take another week to reach a well-used path by merchants. He might be able to hitch a ride if he paid.

He went east, trying not to stop too much. Hopefully, it wouldn't be long before a merchant cart drove by.

What he didn't count on, however, was the fact that it was much, much colder up north--the mountainside and the surrounding area were covered knee-deep in snow.

He gripped tightly at the thin cloak he wore, trying to keep the blistering, howling winds out.

And to make matters worse, he was already starting to get thinner, the child he carried already draining him of his energy. And if he carried more than one that would simply speed up the pace of his energy drainage.

But fortune shined on him once again. A merchant caravan was approaching. He hoped they'd let him go with them, maybe spare a blanket or two. He had his own food and drink so he wouldn't take any of theirs.

He managed to flag them down and pleaded with them to let him get a ride to the other side.

They weren't too convinced until he tried giving them a coin. They were easily convinced by that. He was sent to the last cart with the livestock they planned to sell. He had bought a comfortable blanket and went in. Besides the horrid smell, it was warm. And that was what he needed.

And so, with a rather bumpy ride, the lonely pregnant male was carted off and up the mountainside with the merchants and their livestock.

He was resting for most of the trip, hardly ever leaving the warmth of the livestock. His rest, of course, was suddenly ended when they came to an abrupt stop.

Silver frowned upon looking out the place where he was resting. They weren't in the city yet...?

Screaming came from outside, but he stayed where he was. He couldn't exert too much energy. Burly men peered into the livestock cart. They weren't a part of the merchant group. They were highway bandits.

Silver tried to hide in the furthest corner of the cart, but the animals around him were getting restless and agitated. He had to do something soon; otherwise, he'd risk getting trampled to death.

The bandits soon moved away from the cart. Not seeing anything interesting. Silver moved around the pigs and sheep. He peered outside; they were looting the rest of the caravans. They had their horses standing in the snow by the edge of the pass. He could probably hijack one and hurry off the Emerald City. He had a pretty good idea of what they would do if they found him. So he'd have to be quick. At least these men looked slow. He hopped out of the caravan, creeping gently along the ground. The blanket he had still draped over the top of him was a light blue. So it would keep him slightly camouflaged.

Quietly and carefully, he crept towards the nearest horse.

While they were distracted, he guided it by the reins as far as he could. He needed it to look like the horse was just wandering from the corner of their eyes as long as he could.

And once the horse was far enough away, he stealthily crept onto it before making the beast take off.

He had it run as fast as he could. There was only so far he could get it to run anyway. He needed to get as far as he could.

A good ten minutes later, the horse slowed down. But he kept it walking. He would stop and rest once they made it to the bottom of the mountain again.

But what he'd thought would be a small break for his already weary body was soon reversed when he heard pounding hooves, shouts, and neighs quickly approaching from the bandits from earlier.

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