Chapter 24

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After having such a heavy burden lifted from his shoulders last night, Mephiles was able to fall into a deep and peaceful slumber free of dreams and upon waking up well rested the next morning, the demon unconsciously reached out for his mate, only to frown in confusion when he didn't feel him there. Opening his eyes, he saw that Silver indeed wasn't there. Sighing heavily, he slowly got out of bed and dressed before heading out the room. So much for a relaxing day. He was probably in the old nursery again, he thought...

And after passing his office (nothing seemed out of the ordinary) he approached the nursery, but raised a brow at note...impaled in the doorway by a kunai?

'Morning, sweetie,' the note read, 'I've had Shadow and Sonic take the pups out for the day so that we can spend some time together. Meet me in the eastern gardens; I have a surprise for you. See you soon, my love. And do come dressed your best. You never know what may happen when your guard's down. Love, Silver~'

Mephiles blinked at the note again. Odd... Whatever happened to Silver's handwriting? It was jagged now instead of the soft curves he was used to seeing.

The young lord shrugged and dutifly went off to the gardens to meet with Silver. He was worried about his mate. "Silver?" He called out, concern growing when he couldn't find him at first.

His concern immediately gave way to relief as he soon found his mate further out in the gardens, the uke sitting at a bench as he let little butterflies made of his turquoise energy dance around in the palm of his hand. His amber eyes looked over at his approach before smiling softly as he stood, "Hi, honey...I take it you saw the note?"

The relief was just as quick to give way once again to concern as Meph's frown deepened once he saw a sword tied at his mate's waist, his own resting on the bench beside him.

"Yes..." Mephiles mumbled uncertainly. "Silver, are you feeling alright?"

Blinking in innocent (feigned) confusion, the uke raised a brow saying, "Of course I am, Mephi, why wouldn't I be??"

"Well, you seem to be acting rather odd," he replied before gently reaching out to take Silver's hand in his. "Come inside, we'll get you some tea."

"No, I don't want any tea," Silver said as he pulled his hand away. "I..." he lowered his eyes and fiddled with the sleeves of his robe--a habit that Meph noticed the uke had whenever he was contemplating something.

"I was hoping that you and I could do some sparring?" He asked, turning his hopeful gaze his way. "You know, can sorta be like old times. I want to get fit and toned again since I still have a bit to lose from the- -" His hand clenched tightly around the sword's handle at his waist as he managed to say, "From the miscarriage..."

"That's why I'd brought the swords," he explained before asking. "You're not mad, are you?"

"Of course not, love. And I suppose we can, but let's have something to eat before," Mephiles offered, not noticing how Silver tensed a bit at calling him 'love'.

The hanyou uke hesitated for a moment before replying with a nod, "Alright..."

Mephiles once again took Silver's hand gently and led him to the dining hall.

And Silver just let him hold his lax hand, the uke not holding his in return like he'd happily done only yesterday, long before the demon's confession, that is .

The couple eventually sat down and Mephiles had the servants bring out Silver's favorites. He hoped to improve his mate's mood on such a fine day. Other than the usual depression that Meph was still trying to rid him of, his uke just seemed so off all of a sudden.

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