Chapter 9

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Mephiles slowly got ready for the day that following morning, putting his thoughts together on Silver and how he would deal with him in the future.

And Silver decided to at least be a bit civil with Mephiles that day, now knowing about his past. He didn't want to keep giving hanyous a bad name in Mephiles' eyes, after all.

Mephiles soon met with his brother and mate, but left them shortly afterwards to be on his own after a brief conversation, the demon still unsettled by his dream.

Silver quietly watched him go, noticing his uneasiness.


Mephiles eventually went to meditate out on a large, flat meditation stone that was out in his own personal gardens, trying to disconnect from the world around him. He needed to just feel like he was void for a bit.
He concentrated and he concentrated, but so far it didn't seem to be working.

He just had too much on his mind--Silver and his spells, the hanyou's newfound lineage, his horrible childhood memories resurfacing, and trying to keep up this facade so long as his brother was around...

He sighed heavily; both he and his mind needed a break...This could've been a problem that sex would take the stress away from, or at least off his mind for a while. But as far as the hanyou was concerned, he saw no reason to free Mephiles. So he was stuck with all these bad thoughts in his head.

Eventually giving up, he ventured back to the others. They'd just have to suffer through his bad mood for the day, nothing they could really do about it.


And the others did seem to notice, for when Sonic had simply asked Mephiles a question, he'd snapped at the uke, which Shadow wasn't truly pleased about. It was a rather tense and awkward morning for everyone to say the least....

Silver could see he was very much at fault for this, and seeing Sonic hurt was upsetting for him. They'd become friends and Mephiles had no right to be rude like this, but at least he had a valid reason to be. His childhood wasn't something he seemed all too fond of remembering.

They all moved apart once breakfast was over; Mephiles tried to spend a moment on his own again, Sonic and Shadow treating themselves to the hot springs in the back, and Silver decided to go to the library to relax with his pups. He wanted to finish reading the book that Mephiles had snarled at him for reading earlier.

And as he continued to read through the rather interesting book, he came across a category entitled 'Distinctive Characteristics of Demon, Hanyou, and Mortal Beings'.

Curious and highly intrigued, he decided to look and see what he could find about himself.

For a book mainly based on wars, it wasn't as descriptive as the one Mephiles had read. It gave the very basic list of hanyous, giving pictures for common ones and unique breeds but he had read about each individually, since he didn't know his specifics because he had grown up without his parents. All the ones he had read that he thought he could've been, were far from his description. They seemed to have a specific colour pallet of fur and he fit under no categories for any of their natural abilities. And none of them have been estimated to live as long as he had. But he kept reading, a few breeds he hadn't looked at yet.

And once he came across the portion for cherub beings, he became interested since he knew near to nothing about these people...

He got extra comfy on his pile of pillows in a warm corner of the room where the light shone in from a nearby window, and once he was sure that his napping pups were alright, he went back to reading....

They seemed to be a righteous race. But they were very secluded, hardly ever interacting with others because they often relate others to demons due to of how influential demons were on all of the races.

He continued to read, a small paragraph about demon/cherub hanyous. It was very vague on what they were and could do. But, in the end, it basically just said they were rare and not much else was known about them.

A bit disappointed that the book didn't answer some of his unanswered questions, he deemed that he'd read enough for today. Carefully scooping up his babies, he decided to head back to his rooms to take a nap as well...

It wouldn't be long before lunch came around.

As he walked back to his quarters, he saw three servants lurking around. They hadn't seen him yet and they wouldn't sense him because they mortal.

"We should do it tonight." One hissed angrily, "While the master's brother is here; I'd much rather serve him then that ungrateful demon."

"Yeah... His servants seem much happier," agreed the other.

"I've got something to put in his drink," the third male said quietly, pulling out a vile of clear liquid. "He won't smell or taste it. And it's super toxic to demons. He drinks and as good as dead~"

"Alright... I'll slip it in his drink," quickly accepting the vial before all their separate ways.

Silver quietly gasped, they were going to poison Mephiles! He may didn't like the guy, but he didn't want him dead!!

Quietly, he snuck off to his rooms to put his babies to bed before he went to go and find Meph. He had to warn him before it was too late.

Mephiles, meanwhile, sat quietly with his sibling and in-law, having no idea of the plot set upon him.

Not wanting to raise suspicion along their guests once he got to the drawing room where they were, Silver calmly entered the room, bowed in greeting to everyone present and politely asked, "Mephiles, may I speak with you fot a moment?"

Hiding his annoyance, Mephiles stood and quietly followed his mate. Scowling at him as soon as they were out of ear range, he grumbled, "What do you want?"

"Look, I know you probably won't believe me, but you're in danger," he warned.

When Meph just gave him a look, he continued, "I was on my way from the library when I overheard some servants talking about you. Apparently, they don't appreciate how you handle things around here and they're plotting to kill you. Tonight. So whatever you do, don't drink anything, it'll have been poisoned..."

Mephiles frowned, obviously thinking he's lying, "Uh huh. And just why should I believe you?"

"Because I'd rather argue with you face to face than with your cold and silent tombstone," Silver replied. "But Mephiles, I am begging you, if you have never believed a word I said, then believe me--trust me--just this one time and listen to what I'm saying. Don't drink anything tonight," he stressed, his eyes pleading.

Mephiles wasn't sure if this was another trick created by the hanyou, and ignored the warnings.

"Why do you care anyway? Your first intent was to torture me to death, so I have yet to find a reason to trust you," he growled, shoving past him to return to his guests again.

Silver watched him go in shock; he didn't believe him!!

"Well, when you end up on your death bed tonight, don't blame me!!" He snapped before storming off back to his chambers.

Mephiles rolled his eyes as he watched him go. "If he cared any he would've killed them himself," he growled, deciding against returning to his guests due to his foul mood returning.

Everyone mostly stayed to themselves for the rest of the afternoon--Mephiles because of his foul mood, Shadow and Sonic off to explore the prospering city and market that surrounded the palace, and Silver unable to nap like he'd intended because of what was going to happen tonight weighing heavily on his mind... But Mephiles didn't let it bother him, truly letting himself believe that Silver had been lying.

And to Silver, dinner rolled around all too soon....

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