Chapter 22

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One month later...

A month had passed since Silver's miscarriage, and Mephiles didn't know if things were getting better or worse. His mate had lost a considerable amount of weight due to not eating much and, he hated to say it, but he'd given his uke enough time to mourn. He should be over it by now and....he couldn't help but be a little frustrated because of it.

He had no idea what to say to him anymore. So he had invited his brother and mate over to hopefully bring Silver back to his senses. It was the best thing he could do for Silver at this point. And hopefully a little niece and nephew would help him.

Once again, after looking for his mate, he'd found him in the old nursery. Silver was sitting over in a corner, arms wrapped around his knees as his dull eyes gazed at nothing in the now empty room.

Mephiles had hated to do it, but three weeks ago, he'd believed that if his mate was to recover, then everything that reminded him of the pups would have to be removed. And to put it bluntly, that day had not turned out well. When Silver had gone into the room, he'd panicked seeing that everything was gone. And by the time Meph had got there, the raging uke had done a considerable amount of damage not only to the room, but to the four guards and two servants that'd tried to restrain him and calm him down. And to be honest, they'd all ended up worse than the room did with every single one of them bloodied, unconscious, and pinned to the ceiling high above. And Mephiles honestly couldn't blame them all for quitting as soon as they were healed enough to leave because at that point in time...that hanyou uke was a whole lot more frightening than their demon lord. Period.

Silver hadn't talked to him for a week after that, and at first, Mephiles had felt terrible. But now, he can see that it was all for the best...

Mephiles had tried interacting with him all the while. But he couldn't even get Silver to look at him. He sighed and gently grabbed his mate's arm after further entering the room. "Silver, Shadow and Sonic are here," he announced. His brother had finally come to visit, and this would surely help Silver.

Silver just slowly removed his arm from his grasp and stood, silently passing him by to leave the room and go meet his guests.

Mephiles sighed, hurrying to follow him. "Silver, please. I'm trying to help you. Do not misunderstand."

Suddenly, Silver whirled around to face him and hissed, "How in the hell is what you did trying to help me?! You're just trying to make me forget that my pups ever even existed, is that it?! You don't want me to remember anything at all about them, do you?!"

"That's not it at all," he stated calmly though his own temper was beginning to rise. But with Silver in such a fragile state, he would never hurt his mate-- never again --so he patiently continued, "I'm trying to keep our family together, koi. But, when's the last time you'd even look at our children? You're so focused on the deceased that you won't even go see the ones we still have alive. I don't want to erase them, Silver, I could never do such a thing; I just don't want them to take over your life, and take you away from us."

Silver blinked as he let Meph's words slowly sink into his mind and heart.

".....oh gods," he whispered as realization hit him hard, making him feel sick and cold all over.

"M-Meph?" He whimpered quietly as guilt and regret heavily weighed down on him, "Where...where are my pups?"

Mephiles held his stern expression as he replied, "They went to greet their uncle and aunt while I came to retrieve you so that we may do the same."

Silver swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded, " I-I guess we should...go join them, then...."

Mephiles nodded and gently placed his hand on his mate's shoulder, quietly quiding him to meet his brother and mate.

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