Chapter 29

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Mephiles awoke late that following morning, arising and freshening up before finding a servant to see if Silver was to stay in his room or not. He didn't want to come out of his study unless he absolutely had to, at the risk of annoying his mate before they left on their surprise trip.

He was eventually informed that his mate was to be in the palace library after breakfast and would be there for quite some time.

What surprised him the most, though, was the fact that Silver wanted to speak with him once breakfast was over, in that very library.

The young Lord couldn't help but worry about Silver wanting to see him. It couldn't be good since the hanyou still hated him, of course. Just the worry alone was enough so that he had a hard time eating his own breakfast.

He was on pins and needles as breakfast time eventually ended and he hesitantly made his way to the palace library.

And speaking of the library, he couldn't help but wonder just what his mate was doing there in the first place?

Mephiles found his mate sitting at a table alone. Tenshi was there standing guard nearby, of course, which made the demon upset though he easily hid it behind an emotionless mask.

It was always best to put on an bored façade than to have your rivals and enemies read you like a book, his father had always told him.

So, at least that was one thing he could thank him for....

The uke was surrounded by books, he noticed, the hanyou looking deeply focused into what he was reading.

And with a clearing of his throat, Mephiles caught his mate's attention.

"Good morning, Mephiles," Silver said calmly with a proper bow of greeting, leaving the table and Tenshi to come over and speak with him.

"Good morning." Mephiles replied softly before asking, "How are you feeling now?"

He thought he might as well show the concern he was feeling.

"Much better," he replied simply, "the pain comes and goes over a period of hours, but as for now, I am fine..."

"I wished to speak with you regarding what the healers managed to find out about me," he then added.

"And...just what did they find?" He asked quietly, his worry leaking over into his words.

Silver hesitated and gave Tenshi a silent glance, wanting to speak with the other alone. The cherub blinked before bowing and went to leave the room, but not before giving Mephiles an annoyed glare (unseen by Silver) before he left.

Sighing heavily, the uke said, "According to the healers, apparently....I'd had wings once upon a time."

"I was told that the pain was most likely from the wings trying to grow back," he shrugged to his speechless mate.

"Whoever my cherub parent was, they must've been pretty powerful," the hanyou mumbled mostly to himself, though Mephiles easily heard him.

Mephiles was surprised beyond belief to hear this. That might explain the horrible scars on his back, he realized. All of this had been to hard on his mate.

Then, without thinking, he gently reached out to Silver to comfort him, wrapping his arms around him in a gentle embrace.

Silver immediately tensed, but when it seemed that Mephiles wasn't going to do him any harm, the uke just let him continue.

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