Chapter 3

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Silver's stomach had grown exceptionally large in the last four months. He wasn't sure how many pups he had, but there seemed to be a lot. 

And Manic just seemed to absolutely love the sight of him round with pups, even though they weren't his own.

He claimed them as his own whether he was their biological father or not, so to him it didn't matter.

Manic was currently kissing him that day, rubbing his hands over his stomach.

And Silver was just one happy, healthy little uke right about now.

Silver was now very content in life. He hadn't felt so full in so long. And even as he was pregnant and his pups were constantly draining him, he never had so much energy. He wasn't used it at all. He now found himself simply moving around because he wanted to. It just wasn't a normal thing for him and quite enjoyed it.

"Manic, do you have anything planned today?" Silver mumbled in content as they lounged in one of the manor's sunny foyers.

Manic groaned, "Mmm, unfortunately, my sweet. I have a few partners come over for dinner so we can discuss some issues we've been having with handling their branches." He rubbed his forehead, "Just a bunch of old world demons with no sense."

"Oh...I see," Silver mumbled before hesitantly asking, "will I have to be there?"

To this very day, within the supposed 'prejudice-free' Emerald City, he could still see disgusted glances thrown his way whenever Manic wasn't looking or wasn't around. 

So much for that 'worry free' life he'd heard so much about....

Manic murmured, "I'd very much like you to be there...I know you don't much care for my work, but these dinners are quite enjoyable. I have the servants make more food than we'd usually eat, and there's a bigger variety of desserts. I'd think you'd like it very much if you attended..."

Silver couldn't help but smile when Manic kissed the back of his ear from where the uke lay comfortably against him, back to chest.

"In that case, of course I'll be there," he murmured softly, turning slightly to kiss his mate, "anything for you, love..."

"Perfect..." He smiled, kissing him sweetly before getting up. "Now, I am afraid that I have to go over look some last minute preparations, but I'll send a servant to you so they will get you ready."

"Alright," Silver smiled as he left, the pregnant male deciding to make a detour at the kitchens for a bowl of strawberries before he went off to take a nap.

Once there, the servants gave him what he wanted, and asked repeatedly if he wanted anything else. Again, being mortals, they had no problem with his race.

Silver kindly declined each offer, but in the end, he still left up out of there with a bowl of melted chocolate to go with his strawberries. 

And a few lemon cookies. 

He just couldn't say no, really. But this was again, something he didn't encounter often. Once in his shared chambers, he ate his food and rested, completely relaxed.

He then managed to snuggle up in bed, finding a nice cool spot beneath the sheets. 

Rubbing his belly, he wished he could already see his pups as he slowly drifted off to sleep. 


Hours later, Silver was awoken by a servant to be dressed.

Once he was bathed and clothed in a manner that depicted his high station as the Lord's mate, Silver was then escorted to where Manic was waiting. 

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