Chapter 17

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Aomine's POV

It's the little monsters' birthday today.

I haven't been in Tetsu's for a few days now but I've been kept updated by Kagami.

He told me that the two decided to be together again, much to my dismay, and that Akashi is basically living in Tetsu's house now.

I opened the door and went inside Tetsu's house. "I'm home."

"Dai-chan!" The triplet quickly run and jumped at me like they always whenever I stay here.

"Hey there, my little monsters!"

"We thought you're not going come!" Kyouhei said as he rubs his head on me.

"I might forget about everything else but there's no way I'm forgetting about your birthday." I said as I kissed the top of their heads. "Where's your mother?"

"He's in the kitchen with Dad." Seiji answered.

I raised an eyebrow at that. Just a few days and he managed Seiji to call him Dad? Heh. What kind of trick did that bastard use? "You're already calling him Dad?"

"Well, he's basically their father, Aominecchi."

I looked up and saw Kise. "Annoying as always." I grumbled.

"What? Did you say something, Aominecchi?"

"None. I'm going to see Tetsu." i left the triplet in Kise's care and went to the kitchen. There I saw Tetsu talking to Murasakibara. "Tetsu, I'm home." I made my way to him and kiss him on the top of his head.

"Welcome home, Aomine-kun."

"Should you really be kissing someone's boyfriend in front of his lover?" Akashi possessively wrapped his arms around Tetsu's waist.

"Akashi-kun, Aomine-kun is just greeting me." Tetsu said as he tried to coax him.

"I wouldn't mind it at all if he's not into you, my love, but he is." Akashi glared at me.

"Afraid that he'll suddenly got enlightened and realize that going back together with you is incredibly stupid and that I'm the one that he wants to be with for the rest of his life?" I bite back. I don't care if it's Akashi that I'm fighting with. I want Tetsu. And I want him mine.

"Hey! Boys!" Hikari went in between us. "The triplet! Birthday! Put your grown-up problems aside for now! Are we going to decorate or what?!"

"Of course we will." I said. "I want my future sons to have a blast on their fifth birthday.

"They're mine and they'll never be yours. Not now, not in the future." Akashi finally snapped. He took his scissors out and was an inch from throwing it at me.

"He's just playing with you, Akashi-kun." Tetsu said as he calms the Red Headed Psycho down.

"I'm being serious here, Tetsu." I said. "I love you. That never changed. And I'm not backing down now. He already had his chance on you, I'm gonna have mine."

"Hey! I repeat! Kids' Birthday Party! Stop with this love triangle drama and move your butts!" Hikari angrily chased me and Akashi out of the kitchen. "People are working here! Go decorate the house before the other kids show up!"

"Tsk. Because of you we were thrown out of the kitchen."

"How the fuck does that become my fault?! If you didn't come back to his life then everything would be just fine with just me, Tetsu and the kids!"

"Stop being selfish, Daiki!" Akashi angrily said.

"Selfish?! Are you fucking calling me selfish?!" I grabbed his collar. "You fucking left him before and now that you realize how precious he is, now you want him back?! Who the hell is the selfish one here, huh?!"

"Stop it-ssu!" Kise suddenly pops out and cling to my arm. I pushed Akashi away from me and shook Kise off.

"You two better stop yelling at each other." Midorima put a hand on Akashi's shoulder as he adjusted his glasses with his other hand. "You don't want the kids to hear you."

Akashi closes his eyes and calm himself down.

"Tsk. Tetsu's going to be mine. Remember that, Akashi." I turn my back on him and walk towards the living room.

"He'll never be yours." He said. "I'll never let him go."

"We'll see." 

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