Part 28

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Shit shit shit shit shit. How dumb can I be? How incredibly dumb can I be? Can a human being be as dumb as I am in this very moment. No, probably not.

It was really early the next day. I was laying in bed staring at the wall, replaying what happened last night. After the....You know what, I left and went back to my hotel. Harry was the only one awake and he thought I had just come back from being with Tom.

"Alexa you should get up." Harry says from the foot of my bed, crossing his arms in disappointment.

"Why?" I say, but my voice in muffled by the pillow I have stuffed in my face. "We aren't leaving till tomorrow."

"Mum and Paddy went downstairs to grab breakfast. You should probably get up and shower because you look like crap." Harry shakes his head and walks out of the room, closing the door behind him.

I take a minute to ponder on life before actually getting up. I stand up and walk over to the bathroom and shower. Once again I take too long pondering on everything. I dry off and get dressed into black capris and a white t-shirt. I put my hair in a side braid since it's finally long enough to do so and I slip on a pair of runners. I walk downstairs and meet my mum, Paddy and Harry eating breakfast in the restaurant.

"Look who finally got out of their cave." My mum laughs as I sit down next to her. "How was Tom last night, did you guys have fun?"

I hesitate to answer, my really wanting to lie but I knew I had to. "Yeah It was great. Everyone was excited from the movie." I fake grin and take a bite of the quackson I was eating.

I pull my phone out to take a photo of it and put it on my Instagram story. Jokes on you tomholland2013 you gotta love quacksons.

I post it on my story and out my phone away, and continue to eat my breakfast. "What did you guys do last night?" Harry asks me.

"We went for drinks and stuff. Except Z because they wouldn't let her drink." I shrug and finish what's on my plate.

"What did you think of the movie?" Paddy asks me and grins.

"I loved it. Tom did an amazing job." I smile and so does Paddy and Harry.

"It was probably my favourite spider-Man yet." Paddy smiles which makes the whole table turn to look at him.

"Paddy, you fell asleep watching Tobey's Spider-Man and you dissed Andrews the whole time." I say and raise an eyebrow at him.

The goofy twelve year old starts laugh and that makes all of us laugh. My phone starts to buzz from my side to I pull it out and see a text from Jacob.


Hey do you want to
hang with us today and
possibly see a movie.

If it's not Homecoming,
then yes I'm in.

Why not Homecoming.

Didnt you like it.

I did but I saw it
yesterday. I don't need to
see it again right away.

Fair enough.

Tom said he's coming
in an hour. See ya.

I put my phone down and stand up. "That was Jacob, I'm going into town with everyone today. I'll probably be back after dinner." I smile.

"Okay, have fun then." My mum says and I walk away from the table and walk back to the hotel room.

I stare at myself in the mirror, debating if this was what I wear out. Shaking my head, I apply makeup and approve my okayish look. I get a text from Tom saying he's in the lobby so I head down and meet him there.

"What's the plan for today?" I ask as we walk outside towards the car.

"Doing Whatever we can do. Zendaya has some highlights of this city we are defiantly going to hit." Tom says and I open the back door of the car. "Alexa, sit in the middle because we still have to pick up Zendaya."

I nod and get in the middle, only just pricing Harrison is sitting on my left side. I gulp and sit down, bucking up only half a seatbelt this seat has. Tom, Harrison and Jacob crack up a bunch of jokes while I just sit there awkwardly not saying a word.

"Hey hey hey guys." Zendaya chirps as she gets in the car and sits down next to me. "We couldn't have gotten a bigger car?"

"It's all I had Okay!" Tom says in defence and starts to drive away.

"As long as we don't die I'm fine." Zendaya says which makes us all laugh.

The three guys end up having a conversation of their own while Zendaya and I talk amongst ourselves. Tom ends up getting lost a dozen times and it's one by the time he found the right mall and parked.

"You guys hungry or something?" Tom says as we all file out of the car and walk across the parking lot.

I shrug my shoulders at him. "Sure." I say and glance at Harrison.

"There's a great sit down place in here. We can go bowling after if you guys want." Zendaya says and pulls out her phone.

"Hell yeah! Let's do it!" Tom jumps and I laugh and roll my eyes at him.

We all go into the mall and of course, a billion people ask for photos and autographs. Being polite everyone does and I stand off to the side as they do so. We make our way into the restaurant and get a table near the back. And of course, because today was just awkward enough, I had to sit next I Harrison in the booth.

"Are you coming on the set of Chaos Walking?" Tom asks after we order and he takes a sip of his drink.

"Yeah, I'm flying to Japan with you guys then to Canada." I smile and glance at Harrison who just happened to be glancing at me.

"Okay. This is going to be awesome." Tom smirks and goes back  o talking with Jacob.

Awesome, yeah, totally.

A/N: I'm sorry last part was awesome and this part sucked. I have an idea but I just have to push my self there. Sorry it was boring.

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