Part 17

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"Your falling for him again!" Her friend screams.
"So what!?" She yells back. "At least I'm in love!"
Her friend stays silent, not knowing what to say.

"Thank god, my own bed." I say, collapsing onto my bed back in London. I keep my face buried in the pillow before I get up. "Hey mum, when are the boys getting home from school?" I yell.

"An hour or two. They don't know your coming." She yells back from downstairs.

I take a twenty minute power nap, then get up and unpack a bit. I could hear Tom fiddling with some stuff from his room. I walk down the hall and open the door a bit.

"What's up twin?" I giggle and Tom looks at me.

"Why do I have so much stuff!" Tom says, stuffing things into drawers.

I shrug and walk over and sit at the end of his bed. "Don't know. I'm so happy to be home. I just need some rest." I sigh.

Tom sits next to me and looks at me. "So do I. Filming is exhausting. But I'm excited for the press tour." Tom grins which makes me laugh.

"Uh hu. You don't mind if I join along?" I ask, biting my lip.

"Of course you can come. I love having you around." Tom smiles. "Don't get me wrong I love having Harrison around but when your here it makes it feel more like home."

I scrunch my nose up and Tom and I do our little hand shake. "Next years going to be lit!" I laugh.

"Oh yeah, don't tell mum or dad yet but I was thinking, we should get an apartment in London. Nothing to big. We could be roommates!" Tom grins.

"Awesome. I'm down. As long as we split the cost." I suggest.

"Oh yeah we will." Tom nods.

"Hey mum, why is Alexa's door open?" I could hear someone scream from the hallway. It was Harry. Tom and I jump up and slowly close his door but peek out the crack. "Is Alexa and Tom back?" He yells.

We both snicker since we know Harry saw my suitcase. "What do we do?" Tom whispers and looks down at me.

"I don't know!" I whisper yell back. Tom outs a hand over my mouth indicating that Harry is walking down the hall. I don't think he knows we are back.

When we hear his bedroom door close we sneak out and quietly go downstairs. We could hear Sam talking to Mum in the kitchen and Paddy wasn't home yet. We hide behind the couch and once Sam goes upstairs we dash into the kitchen.

"A warning would of been nice." Tom says, probably annoyed.

I cross my arms and roll my eyes. "Oh what every Tom. They didn't see us so we are good." I talk back.

Mum laughs and places the dish towel next to the stove. "It's fine you guys. Stop arguing."

Tom pouts and I laugh at him. We have a five minute quiet conversation without hearing the front door being opened and closed.

"Tom?" A little voice said that I knew could only match Paddy. We both turn around to a shocked Paddy standing in front of us. "Oh my god oh my god oh my god!" Paddy shrieks and jumps into Toms bear hug.

"Paddy are you okay?" Sam yelled from upstairs. I could here him walk from his room down to the stairs. He walks down and stops mid way when he sees me. "Harry get down here!" He yells before running to me.

I hug him tight and he hugs back. "Looks like my other twins doing fine." I say, sniffing a hit happy I can see my brothers again.

"What about me!" Harry screams and runs into me, giving me a giant bear hug.

"I missed you all! Now stop making me feel bad." I chuckle and take a step back to let Paddy into a hug.


It was Friday night and Tom, Harry, Sam, Paddy and I were watching movies. Mum and dad agreed to let us have the TV and living room tonight.

I was sitting with Sam and was slightly leaned up against him. Tom was holding Paddy who was using Harry as a foot rest.

"Did you like filming?" Paddy asks Tom and looks up at his big brother.

"Filming is amazing. I loved it." Tom smiles and rubbed his hand through Paddy's hair.

"Did you have a good time?" Sam looks down at me and asks.

I look up a bit dazed at first. "Yeah it was pretty fun." I shrug off. Sam raises and eyebrow at me but looks back at the TV. "I'm gonna go to bed. See you in the morning fellas." I yawn and stand up.

I walk up the stairs slowly and make it to my room. I trudge over to my bed and stare at it for a moment really dazed. I could barley hear the bedroom door open.

"Do you need something Sam?" I turn my head around and ask him.

Sam quietly shuts the door and crosses his arm. "There's something your not telling me." He grins evilly.

"What do you mean?" I ask suspiciously, trying not to give any gods away.

Sam looks at me for a solid five seconds before guessing. "You went on a date." He smirks.

I could feel my cheeks start to go a bit pink but I lightly touch them with my fingers. "I did not." I deny.

"You totally did." Sam scoffs. "I know you Alexa. You went on a date. And with who?"

I guess there was no shame in hiding it, well only with Sam. "You can't tell mum or dad or Tom, or anyone, promise?"

Sam sticks out his pinkeye finger and he lock. "Promise." he says and crosses his arms.

"Okay." I take a deep breath in then out. "It was with Harrison. We where at a bar and we ended up kissing in an alleyway then he asked me out. And after the date we kissed again."

Sam looks sort of shocked but also like he saw it coming. "Damn Alexa. Your falling for your brothers best friend."

I groan and sit on the bed. "Yeah I know. That's the worst part."

A/N; I write this really late at night so there probably a crap Ton of mistakes sorry :/

1 day after publishing: holy shit I can't spell. Glad I re read the parts before I write a new one

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