Part 11

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A/N: You guys remember that guy named Mike? Well......😈


She told her best friend everything.
From what happened after the break up to what happened after seeing him again in that bar.
That damn bar.

|6 Years Ago|

"Hey Alexa." I hear someone say from behind me. I turn my head to see Mike walking up behind me.

"Hey." I say, kissing his cheek and he wraps his arms around me.

"You heading home?" He asks as we walk down the street.

Unlike Mike I look both ways before crossing the street. "Yeah. Mums taking Harry, Sam and Tom out to do some errands and a doctors appointment, so I'm looking after Paddy." I say.

Mike twitches his mouth before responding. "Aw babe, c'mon, just ditch your little brother. He's what? Ten?"

"He's six, and I can Mike, I really need to watch him for a few hours." I say getting rather annoyed.

Mike scoffs and says some things under his breath. "Whatever Alexa, your loss." Mike says quietly.

"I sometimes have to do stuff that's actually important, Mike." I say and gave him.

Mike looks at me with a stern look that makes me take a step back. "So I'm not important to you?" He says getting mad.

"I never said that you weren't-"

I get cut off with Mikes hand against my face. I look to the side and hold my face, totally shocked that he did that.

"That's what you get! Don't ever back talk me again Alexa!" Mike screams in my face.

"Look Mike I have to go." I say quietly and start to walk off so I can get home.

I feel him grab my wrist and yank it back, and it was hard. Something popped there.

"Don't go anywhere!" Mike says, with his teeth clenched together.

I was actually petrified. My feet were glued to the sidewalk, scared that if I moved again, I would be hit. I don't say anything back to Mike. All you can here is my heavy breathing.

Suddenly my phone rings and Mike lets go, letting me pick my phone up. "H-hello?" I quiver on the phone.

"Alexa were are you? We have to leave now and we can't leave Paddy behind!" My mum says concerned from the other line.

"Sorry mum, I got caught up at school. I'm almost home now." I say, catching Mikes eye who looks rather pissed off.

"Okay. Just hurry." She replies with and hangs up.

Before Mike could say anything, I stuff my phone in my back pocket and make my way down the street to my house, hoping Mike didn't follow me.

Thank goodness he didn't.


I haven't told anyone that Mikes been hitting me. It's been a year and a half since and I'm honestly too scared to break it off because of what he could do.

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