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Wishful Thinking

I had a crazy dream,

in which he'd beam

at me.

Then he disappeared

but he appeared


He's hopeless

says he was lost -


I'm hopeless

for believing he's lost -


Late-time Paranoia with too many sleepless nights

Guess when he'll be back, because I don't know,

Sleepless nights,

looking for armor and white knights,

looking away, terrified, of lights.

Fights for rights,

which never came.

Flights out of sights,

never return out to be the same.

Am I alright, writing this?

Do I feel the burden, resting nonchalantly on my shoulders, writing meaningless lines?

I've crossed the line,

searching for what might be mine,

flights out of sights,

is where I should be headed.

Flights out of sights,

I would, no, should, try it.

The stars are blinking at me,

they are all hoping

the road isn't sloping.

The moon, it enlightens the way,

brightens it up for me to turn to delight.

I'll see in black and white,

once I have taken one step further on the way.

Now, say,

When was the last time you've seen him?

When was the last time the sunshine on a warm spring day looked dim?

Pleasant walks through space and time couldn't save us now,

Foul, my heart has lost at this wicked game which made a foul,

I won't give up, somehow.

I carry a strength which defines,

a meaning way too complex to be told by some careless lines.

Tired, so tired,

I'm horrified of tomorrow.

The tension got fired

up badly.

I don't want to spend the next day in sorrow.

That's my worst fear, sadly.

Reused material,

like a bad scene from an awful play,

about love's norms.

But as love comes in different forms,

like all other storms,

problems occur.

And problems are solved.

Problems occur.

And problems are solved.

And so on, until eternity.

If not, it'll be that way until the end.

I want to sleep,

but I don't want to meet the light.

I want to dance without taking a chance.

I want to lie perfectly still until I fall asleep,

I'm heading towards a deep steep.

I want to dream of castles and white knights,

disappearing out of sights,

like you did.

It still haunts me.

What an awful sight.

The Bad Boy

My troubled babe is cool beyond measure,

He's so perfect I think I've just found my flawless treasure,

I don't want him to feel any pressure,

He's just mean with his words, maybe as a tester,

And although I'm feeling sort of needy,

I don't want to get a hold on him, act all greedy,

I wouldn't want to hurt his feelings deliberately,

I have only sought for some liberty,

My uncontrollable feelings are starting to feel more manageable,

Even though my heart still skips a bit when I meet him in the hallway,

I would gladly take his way,

Be led and steered his way,

It'd make my day

But he'll never read this, because;

He devotes all of his time and attention

to her.

Change of Heart

Everything I pointed to was what I was offered,

Every time I breathed my blood was red,

pumped by my energetic, charismatic heart.

Everything I point out, I lose,

Every time I breathe my blood cools down, turns blue,

pumped by my run-down and beaten heart.

Everything I did, is what I'm still trying to do.

A wishful brand-new start

is what I can think of.

It's all I can think of.

My reality 

Maybe I'm chasing an illusion,

Maybe I'm living in an illusion.

Maybe I'm afraid to let go of my hopes and dreams because I know reality will crush me,

I know that it's too harsh,

Too cold, too bitter, too hard,

Impossible for me to handle.


In my brilliant state of mind.

I'm truly one of a kind.

Irony's here, in the air,

Because the truly ironic thing here is me.

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