Self-written without any thought

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A long Journey
Searching for normality,
In a world filled with abnormality,
I cannot escape now,
Asylum's locked,
I wonder how,
Things went from appreciated to mocked,

I sought
after water during drought
in vain.

I wrote,
instead of crying, ignoring the lump in my throat,
I felt real pain.

I felt a blessing,
but it was hidden behind a curtain,
The sorrow was repressing,
What used to be isn't uncertain

In my hunt for a truthful story,
I met gore
That shook me down to my inner core.
I was faced with a mystery,
Which I couldn't solve.

The Bird

Open the window,
but don't fly out,
Just let the bird in,
Let it guide you, let it take you, let it win,
Follow it without committing a single sin,

is the perfect crime,
Not the time to lose focus,
Just follow the bird.

Look at its feathers up in the sky,
Follow them with a simple glance as you fly high,
Don't lose track of time,
Just follow the bird.

Don't let it guide you,
You're ought to lead it,
Don't let it lead you,
because it's on you to feed it.

Let it grow up, and lead it,
To a safe place on earth

Cabin in The Woods

I want a cabin in the woods,
So I can drive to it late at night,
I want a cabin away from all the floods,
So I don't cry at the sight.
I want a cabin in the woods,
So I can escape all types of moods,
Because I feel understood by the trees,
I feel at home in nature and by the seas,
That's where all my anger flees,
Up in the sky far away from the branches,
While I watch the cloud which dances,
And wish I was unafraid to take chances.

Opportunities and Loss
Change is the thing that brought us here, for better or for good,
Then why do I feel so alone?
Change reflects what could have been so good,
Or bad,
I've built my own empire but it gets lonely here on the throne...

Chance was the thing that brought us together,
But it also seems to be what tears us apart,
It's not like we would be side by side forever,
Yet that feels like the worst part.

Somehow I don't want to say goodbye,
I don't want any of us to cry,
Memories are built on lifelong experiences,
Experiences that are stuck in your mind, extended,
They are unexpected instances,
In which I never pretended.

I never pretended to be someone,
Which is why I am no one.
You've got to chase gold if you really want to win the medal,
So you can feel the pain and sacrifice inside the cold metal.

Change is what gives one the opportunity,
But also take everything away.
It is what might prevent insanity,
Although I'd never think you'd play,
in this game,
I hoped that you would but I never asked for you to stay,
Now I only got myself to blame.

Life Change
Sometimes, when I think about my presence,
In the present,
I feel like an alien, a form of intruder,
Because I can't really imagine how much it all has changed.

I used to feel like life was some form of thetrical performance, like most things were staged,
Because nothing of true esssence
really happened.
I used to believe that nothing of importance
could ever face the challenges or obstacles life threw at the ones
who prayed and hoped and still didn't get enough.
But I guess views change.
Like people and opportunities do.

When I look back, I see blood,
And I sense the violence and smell the tension in the air.
All of that has almost disappeared,
Because with one blink of an eye, I could see,
A future much better, another dimension,
A world in which every wish comes true.
Because dreams come true.
We may not be able to feed ourselves with our writing yet,
But one day, we might.

Dear memories
I remember when I was small,
and everyone helped me out.
But now I've realized no one's truly there,
as I've reached my full height.

I cannot carry so much burden and tough responsibilities on my shoulder,
I am simply not built like a soldier,
in aspects like strength and vitality,
I simply don't think I've got the mentality.

Every single wake day comes closer to a nightmare,
and every single sleepless night is a prolonged one.
Every single silence that sweeps over a peaceful scenario,
only covers up the tougher one underneath.


Perfection is pure perception,

Responsibility doesn't rest solely on me,

It's all a form of redemption,

How can we all truly be free?

How can we all sing and get along?

How do I then know who I want to be?

I hope this journey won't take long,

Sometimes I feel lost and it's scary,

Sometimes I see the branches in the trees slowly swaying,

Swaying in the wind that cures everything,

Although it all feels kind of wary,

What am I even saying?

Now and forever is what will remain,

If I can make it out in the world, still sane,

But this is not the main part,

The main part is I'm lost in art,

Perfection might be perception but it's worth it,

Trying to make a fit out of a misfit,

Now and forever is not forever,

Will never be it, ever

But however,

We'll make it now or never

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