I squeezed it tight.

I didn't want to leave her but I had to get Mommy's attention.

"Mommy!!!" I screamed as loud as I could.

my clothes were now covered in blood.

I screamed Mommy one more time and she came running in with Daddy following her.

she stopped at the door and put her hand over her mouth with wide eyes.

she eventually ran over and grabbed my hand.

"no! if I let go she will die!" I yelled.

she forcefully pulled my hand away. "she's already dead! get out!" Mommy screamed in my face.

I ran out to my room and watched as Dad frantically talked to the police and Mom tried to save her.

Moms hands were shaking and she was breathing heavily.

"does she have a pulse?" Dad asked Mom.

Mom put her fingers on Lillian's throat and slowly pulled them away.

she shook her head and began crying.

"she's dead." Mom whispered.

I took a step back to take in the sight in front of me.

there was so much blood.

on Lillian, on me, and on Mommy.

Lillian was dead and I would never see her again.

but I was so confused.

I didn't get it.

if she was gone, then where is she now?

Mom and Dad were both crying now but I couldn't cry.

no matter how much I wanted to, I couldn't bring myself to cry.

I just stood frozen as paramedics, both men and women, pushed passed me to take her body away.

one of the police officers tried to talk to me but I just looked past them at where her body once lay.

I could see the guys lips moving but i couldn't hear anything.

all i could hear was Lillian.

"Mackenzie! i love you!"

"happy birthday! tell me, how does it feel to be old?"

"you look beautiful. don't forget that. kids are gonna be mean but what they say doesn't matter."

"as your big sister, I will mentally beat the crap out of anyone who ever tries to hurt you."

"I'll never leave you. even on the day I die, I'm still there. I'm beside you, behind you, in front of you. I'll be every where."

"i love you."

"I love you."

"I love you."

my thoughts were only filled with happy thoughts of her, making it harder to shed tears.

but I also could not smile.

until I heard her laugh in the back of my mind making a smile spread across my face and i knew that she was in fact still with me.

and I was going to act as if she never left.



you guys probably hate me but sorry.

when I had began this story i always told myself that I would end it without telling you guys.

so... surprise!

uhm.. epilogue coming soon... ad in later today.

just comment and tell me if it should be in Mackenzie's POV, Demi's POV, or Wilmer's POV? or should I do all three of theirs POV's? or put it in Nobody's POV?

~ Alisa

Unloved But UnforgottenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora