Chapter 6

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- Miss Lovato's POV -

oh my gosh, she just passed out.

I started to panic and pace around the tree.

I had to do something. I hadn't brought my phone out here so I picked her up, easitly, way too easily, and carried her, in a rush, back to my house.

I layed her on the couch, thankful that Mackenzie hadn't woke up.

I grabbed my house phone and dialed the first person that came to mind, Dallas.

"Hello?" she answered, sleep lacing her voice.

"Hey!" I said, nervously.

her voice woke up quickly. "Hey, do you know what time it is, Demetria!? is something wrong?" she whispered loudly, probably because her boyfriend, Rob, was asleep.

"Um, yeah, sort of. so a student of mine is here to stay the night and well, an interesting turn of events happened and then she passed out." I rushed out.

"Passed out!? what the fuck kind of 'turn of events' made her pass out!?" she almost yelled.

"I-I don't know how to explain, Dallas!" I yelled quietly.

I heard her sigh loudly. "I'm on my way and you better have a good explanation by the time I get there." she said, hanging up.

I put my phone down and sat beside Lillian, biting my nails, one after the other. I shook my leg, thinking of something to tell my older sister.

before I could come up with something, I heard her car pull up.

she rushed inside and over to me. "So what happened?" she asked, a little more calm than she was on the phone.

I went about explaining what had happened, leaving nothing out.

"Oh my gosh, Demi." is all she said.

"I know." I groaned.

I felt Lillian move beside me and groan in pain.

"Hey, Hun, my name is Dallas. are you hurt?" Dallas said, bent down in front of the couch where Lillian lay.

Lillian nodded.

"Can you tell me where?" Dallas asked, taking me back to when I was little and Dallas would watch me and I would do something clumsy and get hurt.

"My leg." she said.

Dallas nodded.

"Maybe we should take her to a doctor to check her out." Dallas said to me.

"No!" Lillian said, jumping up from the couch, leaning on one leg.

she turned a bit to look at me. her face laced with disgust and she looked like she wanted to bolt.

nut she stood there. I guess she realized that she wouldn't make it very far with her leg Dallas was very athletic and could run way faster than me.

Dallas sighed, she wasn't in any state to argue. especially not with a little girl she didn't even know.

"Lillian, why don't you shower while Dallas and I talk?" I said.

Lillian didn't move and she didn't speak either.

"I want to go home." Lillian finally said.

"Home?" I asked her.

she nodded and Dallas looked at me.

"It's almost midnight, are you sure you don't want to stay just for the night?" Dallas asked as if she didn't know what was going on.

"I said, I WANT TO GO HOME!" Lillian yelled.

Dallas stepped back a few steps and I just stood shocked.

I didn't even know she could get that loud.

she began crying and Dallas and I just looked at each other in shock.

"Please!" she screamed at us.

Mackenzie appeared on the stairs.

"Momma, what happened?" Mackenzie asked, choking out a yawn.

"Go back upstairs, okay baby?" I said to her softly. she nodded before rubbing her eyes and goig upstairs.

"Lillian, I know this is all because you don't want me to tell but I have to. if anyone ever found out that you told me and I didn't do anything, I could loose my job. please understand that I have to. I have to report it. and if I thought that nothing would happen to help you, I wouldn't tell but I can promise you, not only me but everyone at the school will help you too." I said.

"NO!" she screamed. "I trusted you!"

"Please forgive me, Lillian. I'm so sorry." I said.

"Take me home." she cried out.

I sighed. I had to take her home, I couldn't just keep her against her will.

I grabbed my keys and slid some shoes on.

Dallas pulled me into the dining room.

"What?" I asked her, clearly stressed.

"You can't take her back there if he is hitting her." Dallas whispered.

"I don't have a choice. i'll just have to report it in the morning." I said, a tear running down my cheek.

"I have a plan, okay? we'll get her in your car, i'll open the door for her and switch the child lock on. we'll take Mackenzie too and put Mackenzie's door on child lock too. that way, she wont be able to get out when we pull up at the police station instead of her house. i'll go inside and explain everything to an officer and have him or her come out and get her so she wont be able to run. she'll be forced to talk, if not, they'll find a way to get her to confess." Dallas said, her intelligence shining through. she was so good with things like this.

I sighed. "I don't know, Dallas. sounds risky."

"Just, trust me, okay?" she pleaded. I nodded and we went back into the living room. Dallas jogged up the stairs and got Mackenzie.

we left.




~ Alisa

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