Chapter 11

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- Lillian's POV -

I stepped into the shower, my cuts and welts burning like a bitch.

I let myself get used to the water before I began to wash my body.

I began to hum silently but by the time I started to wash my hair, I was full blown singing.

I can't buy your love, don't even wanna try.

Sometimes the truth won't make you happy, still I'm not gonna lie.

But don't ever question if my heart beats only for you, it beats only for you.

I know I'm far from perfect, nothin' like your entourage

I can't grant you any wishes, I won't promise you the stars.

But don't ever question if my heart beats only for you, it beats only for you.

Cause when you've given up.

When no matter what you do it's never good enough.

When you never thought that it could ever get this tough,

That's when you feel my kind of love.

And when you're crying out.

When you fall and then can't pick your happy off the ground

When the friends you thought you had haven't stuck around.

That's when you feel my kind of love.

You won't see me at the parties, I guess I'm just no fun.

I won't be turning up the radio singing, "Baby You're The One."

But don't ever question if my heart beats only for you, it beats only for you.

I know sometimes I get angry, and I say what I don't mean.

I know I keep my heart protected, far away from my sleeve.

But don't ever question if my heart beats only for you, it beats only for you.

Cause when you've given up.

When no matter what you do it's never good enough.

When you never thought that it could ever get this tough,

That's when you feel my kind of love.

And when you're crying out.

When you've fallen and can't pick your happy off the ground

When the friends you thought you had haven't stuck around.

That's when you feel my kind of love.

as I finished the last note, I heard someone knock on the door. then I heard the knob twist.

good thing I locked it.

I heard knocking again.

"Yes?" I said.

"You alright? you've been in here for a while." I heard Dallas say.

"Yeah, I'm finishing up now." I said. back.

"Okay." I heard her walk away.

I rinsed my hair out and rinsed my entire body and got out of the shower.

I changed my clothes quickly, avoiding the mirrors.

I brushed my hair and my teeth and went to put my shoes on.

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