Chapter 15

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- Lillian's POV -

the class was over and i put my unfinished paper in my folder and stood up, stretching.

the bell rang so i grabbed my books and headed out, smiling at Demi.

i walked down the hall, getting a lot of stares from a lot of people.

not bad stares.

i finally reached Ms. Chases class and sat in my seat.

"Yo! Mathews! over here!" a boy yelled from the other side of the class room.

ugh! does anyone here know my first name!?

i stood up and walked over to a desk that sat next to him and some of his buddies.

"Dude, you look great. what's new?" he asked me.

i didn't want to talk but i was trying to make a new image of myself so i opened my mouth.

"Nothing, man, chilling. what about you, what's good?" i said, trying to sound cool.

it came out smoothly and so they thought nothing of it.

i sounded pretty normal.

"Nothing much. so me and my dudes were just thinking about the fall dance coming up next month and I'm the only one who doesn't have anyone to take." he said.

was he asking me what i think he was asking me?

i waited for him to continue.

"So, i was just wondering if you would like to go with me?" he asked, nervous.

why was he nervous over me?

i was nobody.

plus, he was so cute so I'm pretty sure any other girl would've said yes.

"I'll think about it. i normally don't go to those kinds of things but i might make an exception for ya." i said as if it were nothing.

he nodded and Ms. Chase started class.

after a few minutes passed, i heard my name being called over head.

i stood up and Ms. Chase dismissed me.

i went to Principal Marks' office.

i walked in and sat down next to a girl who looked a lot like.. Jessie?

this must be her sister.

"So, Lillian, this is Josie, Josie, this is Lillian. she'll be showing you around and be your guide on everything you need to know. also, for the next couple of school days, she'll help you find your classes. if you have any questions, she should be able to answer them." he said.

i nodded at Josie and she smiled shyly.

she was very pretty, prettier than Jessie and i didn't think that was possible.

she stood and followed me to the 10th grade hall.

"So, let me see your schedule." i said as we walked.

she handed it to me.

"Hmm, so you have most of the same classes as me except two. we have the same first and second periods but for third period, you have Ms. Keller and fourth period you have Mr. Mallory. after lunch you have Mrs. King-Carter and we have the same sixth period too. so this should be easy. okay, so your first period will be in this classroom and your teacher is Miss Lovato. you can meet me right out back of the school every morning and we can walk here together. your locker is right next to mine also. so, Miss Lovato is a pretty cool teacher, the best one at this school but this is her first year. just, whatever you do, don't make her mad." i said.

Josie laughed at my last comment.

"Ok, so then you would have Ms. Chase with me. that's the class that we would be in right now. then i would be going to Mrs. King-Carter's class while you'll be going to Ms. Keller. after that, you'll go to Mr. Mallory but i'll be back at Miss Lovato's class. i will meet you at the door of Mr. Mallory's classroom everyday to walk you to lunch because its pretty hectic. after lunch, i'll walk you to Mrs. King-Carter's class and then after that its back to Miss Lovato's class." i said.

she looked so confused.

i laughed. "Don't worry. i'll meet you outside of all your classes to walk you to your next one."

she nodded. after i gave her another run down of her classes, i showed her where the bathrooms, cafeteria, nurses office, and counselors office were.

after that, we went back to Ms. Chase's classroom and i sat back next to that boy.




~ Alisa

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