Chapter 48

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- Lillian's POV -

* Friday *

after school, Mom drove me home.

dad pulled into the drive way with Mackenzie immediately after.

we all got out of the cars and mom pecked dad on the lips before bending down to kiss Mackenzie's forehead.

we all went into the house and changed into different clothes.

Mackenzie and I ate an after school snack as mom and dad talked about god knows what.

Mackenzie doesn't talk much anymore and it bothers me.

she seems to be consumed by her thoughts all the time.

she had a chocolate pudding cup in front of her that she had only eaten two bites out of. she stared off into space.

"whatcha thinking bout kiddo?" i asked her.

she snapped her heads towards me and smiled slightly. "you really wanna know?" she asked as if i didn't really want to know.

I nodded and she smiled completely.

"well i made a new friend today. her name is Andy, short for Andrea, and her first day at my school was today. we have the same classes, even art! she drew me a picture today but didn't get to finish it so she's going to give it to me in Monday. she gave me her house phone number so I can call her. she only lives down the street and I want mommy and daddy to meet her parents so I can play with her outside of school." she said without stopping.

mom and dad had been listening to the whole thing which made Mackenzie blush.

"maybe we can figure something out but you girls are going over grandmas this weekend. so dont forget to pack tonight." mom said.

we nodded.

"is everyone ready to go see Miss Sharpe?" dad asked.

everyone nodded and Mackenzie quickly finished her pudding cup.

we went into the living room and mom got her purse and keys and we headed out to her car.

mom drove with dad in the passenger seat and Mackenzie sat behind mom while i sat behind dad.

we got there quick and silently. before we got out the car, mom turned the car off and turned in her seat to face Mackenzie and I.

"you girls better be respectful to Miss Sharpe. if I find put otherwise you'll be in big trouble." she said. Mackenzie and I nodded and we all got out the car and went into the office.

it was nice and cozy but still made me uncomfortable.

Miss Sharpe called us back before we got the chance to sit down.

we went back together and sat down.

Mackenzie and I sat on the left, Mackenzie next to mom and dad on the far right with me on the far left.

"so i already know a lot about Mackenzie but i would like to get to know everyone else. just small things for today, nothing too in depth. just fill these out please." she said, handing us packets with questions on them.

I didn't feel like doing it so i handed it back. "no thanks." I said emotionlessly.

I felt moms deathly stare on the side of my face but I didn't look her way.

I heard mom clear her throat so i looked at her. she glared at me, daring me to breathe wrong.

so I held my breath.

I could tell mom really wasn't in the mood for my crap today but I didn't really care.

she stared harder at me and I eventually gave in and took the paper back and filled it out quickly, not really thinking about my answers aka guessing carelessly.

i was the first to finish followed by dad and then mom.

Miss Sharpe looked over them. "i don't think you answered these honestly." she spoke.

I really was in a bad mood. "i dobt care what you think." I snapped. it really did slip and I didn't mean to say it aloud.

but I did.

and I was gonna pay for it.


one down.

so one more for this story and one more for Heart By Heart.

~ Alisa

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