Chapter 17

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- Demi's POV -

I was holding my breath.

why was I so nervous.

I mean, its been a year since ive seen him.

my hands were sweating and I felt like I was either going to be sick or die from lack of oxygen.

I kept walking towards the gate he would be arriving from.

Lillian was close behind me and she was clearly struggling to keep up.

"Demi, are you okay?" I heard her ask me.

I nodded quickly but kept walking.

thankfully, she dropped the subject.

we finally got to his gate and stood there until his plane landed.

"Dude, Demi, you gotta breathe." Lillian said to me after standing in front of me.

I swallowed hard and tried to take a deep breath but it didn't work.

"Why are you so nervous? what's going on?" she asked me.

i looked straight into her eyes and a huge smile grew on her face.

"Oh my god, Demi! what's his name!?" she squealed.

"W-Wilmer." i stuttered, smiling big.

"Okay, well, you look like a hot mess right now so follow me." she said.

i followed her quickly towards the women's bathroom.

we went in and she wet a few paper towels with cold water before using them to wipe my face.

she took my purse out of my hands and went through it.

she pulled out my make up and bag and fixed my make up.

"Take a few deep breaths and tell me why you're so nervous." she finally spoke.

"Well, the thing is, he's Mackenzie's father and we used to date a looooong time ago but we separated after Mackenzie was born. not because he didn't claim Mackenzie but because he had to move for his job and i didn't want to move and i mean, he's a great guy and he tries to send me money every month to help me with Mackenzie and stuff but i never let him. he's so hot and i don't think he likes me as much as he used to. i just don't think he feels the same spark that we used to have." i said, tripping over words.

"Okay, take some more breaths and think of it as 'Wilmer, the father of my child, my friend, someone I've known for a while.... not 'Wilmer, this really hot guy that i used to date but still love'..... was that helpful?" she said.

i nodded and smiled. "Yeah, it actually was."

"Good, now when you see him, just hug him like a best friend. i mean, it's okay to be extremely excited to see him but don't look nervous or he'll know you still like him. just try to be as calm as you can, okay?"

"Okay." i smiled, calming down a lot.

i took a deep breath and followed her back to his gate.

eventually, i saw him walk off the plane.

- Lillian's POV -

after a few minutes, people started to get off of the plane.

before i could ask what the guy looked like, Demi started to run towards the crowd of people.

i ran after her and saw that she had jump-hugged some guy.

like she ran up to him and jumped into his arms for a hug.

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