Chapter 37

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- Lillian's POV -

after dinner, Mackenzie brought toys downstairs for her and Makayla to play with.

Demi finally left me alone.

I mean, she went to take a shower and left me to watch the girls.

but I didn't mind.

I watched as Mackenzie kept going upstairs to get more and more toys.

she couldn't understand Makayla at all of course but she seemed to know exactly what she wanted.


I sat back on the couch as they played and giggled.

after a while I had to interrupt.

it was now 6:30pm.

bath time for Mackenzie.

"alright, Mackenzie, bath time. you have a half hour til bed time." I said, standing off the couch.

she began to whine.

"c'mon." I said, picking her up off the floor.

I carried her into her room and she got undressed as I grabbed her towel and wash cloth out of the closet.

I ran her water as she chose three toys to play with in the bath tub.

after that, I got her into the bath tub and began to wash her body.

I grabbed the big red cup from off the counter and Mackenzie's face lit up with horror as she tried to fight her way out of the bath tub.

i stopped her and she began to cry.

"shhh...." I cooed as I softly poured water over her hair.

she kept sniffling as I washed it with the shampoo and conditioner.

I looked at the time and she had about 15 minutes left so I let her play for about 8 more minutes before taking her out.

I wrapped her body in the towel as her teeth began to chatter.

I dried her off before helping her into her yellow spongebob panties.

she began to get tired as I slipped a light blue 'I can if I want to' night gown on her.

she yawned and rubbed her eyes before I brushed her hair and braided it to the side.

I kissed her cheek and she smiled, fighting her sleep.

"wanna to tell mommy good night?" I asked her.

she rubbed her eyes again and smiled before nodding.

I swooped her up off the ground and carried her on my hip to Demi's room.

I knocked and I heard her say to come in.

I twisted the knob as Demi plopped down on her bed, her hair dripping wet and her clothes looking discombobulated.

"Mackenzie just wanted to say good night." I smiled as I let Mackenzie fall into Demi's arms.

"I love you." Demi whispered to her.

"I love you too mommy." she mumbled back.

Demi handed her back and I let her down on her feet.

"why don't you go get in bed while I talk to mommy... I'll be in to tuck you in in a minute." I said and Mackenzie nodded.

she left and I turned to Demi.

"you didn't have to bathe her for me." Demi said, her voice grateful.

"i know but you don't look well." I replied.

"yeah, well I don't feel well either." Demi said

I nodded at her and she patted the spot beside her so i sat next to her in the bed.

"how are you feeling?" she asked me as she took my hand in hers and began playing with my fingers.

"I'm fine." I answered, pulling my hand away as she began to trace my cuts.

she sighed while I stood up and exited the room, leaving her just sitting there

I tucked Mackenzie in her bed and stole a nightgown and some panties from her so Makayla would have something to wear to sleep.

I bathed Makayla without a problem and laid her in my bed. she went to sleep almost instantly.

I then took that time to take a shower of my own.

I got out and dressed in some shorts and a t shirt before falling asleep next to Makayla.



I know I have been horrible at this lately and I'm sorry.

I suck.

comment, vote, blah blah blah.

~ Alisa

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