What do you mean?

You haven't introduced me to your new girlfriend.

I gritted my teeth.

Why should you fucking care?

Heheh, it just would be nice if you told her about me. That way she doesn't think your a weirdo by just talking to yourself.

"Leave me alone Sully!"

Haha, like just now Liu

My eyes widen as I realised I said that aloud.

Sully that bastard..

"Excuse me?" She raised an eyebrow.

"N-no! Sorry it's just... I-I had an argument with a friend who's name is Sully.. And I remembered about it.. I'm still mad about it" I tapped my finger into the table.

"Oh" She gave a confused look.

Soon her phone vibrated meaning someone was calling her, she took out her phone from her bag and looked at it.

When she looked at it, her expression changed as she declined the call.

Curiosity got the best of me, "Who was it?"

She looked up at me and smiled, "No one"

I shyly looked away.

We started talking again and laughed together.

It felt nice but I started to get concerned over (Y/n). She hasn't come back.

"Hey you think your daughter is okay?" Kaylee asked realizing she hasn't come back.

I shrugged, I mean she was old enough to be left on her own Toby has taught her a lot of things to defend herself.. But she hasn't even called me or anything.

"You want to go check on her?" Kaylee offered.

I nodded and we both got up from out seats.

"You and your daughter don't look anything alike, she must look a lot like her mother" Kaylee giggled.

I twitched.

She didn't have a mother..

"Y-yeah I get that a lot" I nervously laughed. She looked over at me and smiled.

"Okay (Y/n) where could you possibly be" I muttered.

She wasn't responding to any of my calls so perhaps her phone died.. Or she could've lost it.

(Y/n) why do you do this to me?

(Y/n)'s P.O.V


I may have fucked up.

"Hey come back here!"

I looked back and surely saw the police officer chasing after me.

I ran through the mall pushing everyone out of the way, "I'm sorry" I apologized after I would push someone.

I went into a store that had a exit out of the mall and decided to go through there.

"This is Officer Wilkerson reporting in! I found that girl who went missing! I'm located in the Nearby Mall she's heading out the back entrance!"

I heard him say.

Ugh! Why now?

I've never been in an actual situation like this.. Dad please help me!

Liu's P.O.V

Homicidal Liu x Child Reader Book 2Where stories live. Discover now