Chapter 14

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Ben sighed as he laid against his bed, with all the excitement of the week of school, he was, to put it lightly, exhausted. He didn't realize how hard life in the real world of having a good Foster Family and actually going to school was like. Before, his Foster Families had dumped him within a week or two, because of his reserved nature they never looked for. But here, he'd spent two months living, was actually going to school for more than a day, and it was every bit as hard as some people had actually tried to warn him.

Sighing quietly, he could hear Ratchet screaming at Sideswipe in the other room and groaned. Never a day of peace there either. Not that he actually complained, he had no reason to complain, and if he did, he'd be being utterly ungrateful. He sighed quietly, turning over on his bed, looking thoughtful. There was one thing that DID bother him, needless to say. And that was the silence of Dexter. He knew he hadn't given up, but where he was, and what he was planning nagged at the young man more than anything.

He'd learned a lot over the past month too. Starting with the fact that First Aid, was, in all actuality, Ratchet's brother. Apparently, they'd been orphaned together. Which was why, Ben guessed, he was the only one Ratchet trusted with the Med Bay on his day's off. He had a Foster Cousin, apparently, Red Alert. He hadn't met him yet, but Ratchet had simply facepalmed and mentioned he'd be happy not to, considering he was extremely paranoid, and nearly impossible to be around. So in a way, he realized, he now had a bigger family than he ever had.

Then again, he mused, he still didn't have a big family. He was out of the orphanage, but now he was in the Foster Care System. He could be taken away, he could be transported to another home. Ben's mind only continued to wander, he didn't even realize his eyes had closed, and his breathing had become labored. The sound of footsteps rang in his ears, he felt the sensation of someone seated on his bed. Ratchet stared down at the sleeping boy quietly, watching him as he seemingly slept on. He reached forward, pulling the blankets over the boy calmly.

Ratchet couldn't help but enjoy watching Ben sleep, his face so peaceful. He gently reached forward, and stroked the human's cheek before running a hand tenderly through Ben's hair. Ratchet carefully leaned down and kissed the boy's forehead lovingly. His mind wandering as it did every night, wondering quietly why a bond hand't happened yet. Yet it did speak levels of their relationship, he didn't need an artificial bond to know how much he loved the child as his own. To know that the boy may as well have been of his own Energon.

He mused on Dexter, and had to fight back a scowl. How he could hurt a boy like Ben was beyond his comprehension. Ben had been rough around the edges for the first few days, but that was only because he'd had no one, and really never had for five years. Yet all he'd needed was love, something Ratchet had shown him was indeed a possibility. The pitter patter of four paws got Ratchet's attention, Vos stood nearby, watching curiously. Ratchet smiled patting on the bed slightly so that Vos would take his place beside the sleeping boy.

Ratchet smiled, and gently kissed Ben's forehead. "Sweetest of dreams, little one." Ratchet told him before he turned his head towards Vos "Take care of my little boy, Vos." He whispered.

Ratchet wasn't surprised by his words as his holoform disappeared. Ben was his 'little boy', even if he hadn't had him quite that long. He was his only child, even if he was a Foster Child. And Primus knew at this rate, he wouldn't be only a Foster Child for long. Ratchet closed his optics and seated himself down slightly. Wondering to himself when he'd be ready to make that leap. He was ready now, he just was having a hard time working up the courage to get it done without an artificial bond. Yet, First Aid liked the boy, and he already knew he loved him.

And well, Primus knew Ben needed a real family before he turned eighteen.

Ratchet sighed a bit, peeking into the bedroom again where Ben slept soundly, Vos curled up in a ball beside him. A month, that's what he'd give it, another month. And if by that point, a bond had not formed, he would just go for it, he figured. After all, if they were still so close by that point, bond or not, he would not be willing to ever let this boy leave his care. And Primus forbid above all else that if it were to happen he'd go back to that home with Dexter, the very thought made his gears grind.

He sighed, and stretched, taking one more look out the window of the med bay to make sure no one else was coming in. Satisfied, he made his way towards his own berth room, feeling more than a little tired, to say the least. He told himself he'd at least go to Social Services and talk about adoption options for later the next morning, after all it was his day off.


Ben was more than a little surprised to find First Aid in the med bay the next morning. Usually on days off, Ratchet was up, and ready to go out and do something. So to see him gone, surprised him a little bit, though he was far from worried as First Aid was there. "Hey little buddy." First Aid greeted as he exited the med bay, nodding at him "Sleep well?" He asked.

"Big time, I passed out early." Ben muttered, then nodded "Where's Ratchet? He have an errand to run?" He asked.

First Aid froze at his Foster Nephew's question. He wasn't exactly sure how to respond being that Ben didn't know Ratchet's plans. Did he tell him? No, he figured, he might get overly excited and get his hopes up too high. "Ah, you know Ratchet. He probably had something to do. Knowing my brother he's low on medical supplies. He can be forgetful at times." He noted.

Ben didn't buy it, but simply nodded at the mech. Taking a deep breath, he wondered for a moment where Ratchet really was that would make usually timid First Aid lie. He could only hope it wasn't social services as, due to past experiences, that was never a good thing for him. "Well as long as he isn't at Social Services I guess. Every time a foster parent of mine has gone there, I've been out within a day." He shrugged "And I've only been fostered twice, so yeah..." He explained.

"Trust me, kid. Even if he were at social services, it'd be to talk about OTHER things." First Aid explained, shaking his head "Ratchet loves you like you were his own, I wouldn't expect to go anywhere anytime soon." Ben nodded, he knew that, at least for now anyway "Considering you're probably one of the coolest nephew's around, I doubt I'd even let him." He added, trying to cheer Ben up.

That was one thing Ben had learned early on, First Aid was always in a good mood. He was the encouraging type, easygoing, and empathetic. So basically, if he ever needed a pick me up, First Aid was the person to go to. Tensing a bit, he looked up at First Aid. "What do you think he would think if I started to call him, 'Dad'?" He asked, First Aid turned, surprised "I know it's really early on, but I've been tempted to so many times... I mean, that's what I see him as and all and-." He fell silent, feeling a little embarrassed.

First Aid looked at Ben, a hand on his hip plate. That was a hard question to answer when Ratchet had never had kids. First Aid wasn't even sure how Ratchet would react himself. But then again, Ratchet had all the love a Father had for Ben, so he didn't see a reason he'd be upset. "I don't know as he hasn't had kids. But I think he might actually like it." He explained, than added "After all, Ben, he has referred to you as his 'son' before." He tilted his head "Why do you ask?" He questioned.

"I guess I'm just nervous about saying it... I haven't called someone that since my REAL Dad." Ben explained, he seated himself on a berth "And I love Ratchet like a Dad, and I WANT to call him that, I just..." His mind wandered.

First Aid looked at Ben knowingly, he understood from friends what was wrong. He'd never been adopted, neither had Ratchet, but friends of his had had this problem. "You don't want to betray your real Dad, right?" Ben nodded his head slowly "Ben, you're not betraying your real Dad by accepting the person now raising you as his own as one." He explained, stroking his chinplate for a way to explain it "After all, it's as some say. Family ISN'T alway or even JUST the people who gave birth to you..." He began "It's the people that love and are always THERE for you." He explained.

"So I wouldn't be betraying my parents by saying it, if he accepts me calling him that?" Ben asked.

"Not at all, in fact, I'm sure your parents would be happier if you did." First Aid explained, it was Ben's turn to tilt his head in confusion now "Because they'd know, wherever they are, that you're happy, Ben. After all, you are very happy here, aren't you?" Ben nodded his head in agreement with First Aid's statement "And that's all any creator wants." He explained.

Ben smiled and nodded. "Thanks Aid. You're the best." Ben noted his growling stomach and sighed "I got to go get food in me. If Ratchet gets back tell him I'll be right back!" He noted.

First Aid watched the boy leave with a smile, shaking his head a bit. He knew he and his brother were going to have a handful of a kid to take care of. But it didn't matter, they'd figure out some way. And perhaps, the accepting of him as his "Dad" would be the thing to trigger the bond. At least, one could only hope so.

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