Chapter 23

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Dave saw his bedroom for the first time that day. Optimus had insisted he wait until all the signed documents were official, which had taken around half of the last week. Now that the Autobot leader had legal custody of Dave, he was finally able to help the boy settle into his new home. Dave had never had a room before, he and Allan had always had two small matresses in the basement that you could hardly call a room. He and Ben had of course shared a bedroom, but it still wasn't his, it had been Ben's bedroom.

His bedroom was not huge, but it was big enough for him to be more than happy. There was a bed in the corner, large, soft, with waiting warm blankets. A TV in one area of the room, in case he ever really wanted to just relax in the room. Some bean bag chairs, something Dave found extremely awesome, were near the television. But there were also, to his surprise, more personalized bits of the room too. "DAVID" was painted across one wall, various movie posters, being he was a huge movie fan, hung from different walls.

Dave let himself smile, now this, this felt like home. He felt a gentle hand on his shoulder, and turned his head to find Optimus's holoform. "I believed, that you might want some place that felt more like 'home'. Rather than simply a desk and a bed." Optimus smiled at him, Dave gave a small smile back at him "I know this is not your permanent home, and that it may be a bit overwhelming." He then added "But I tend to spoil my children, whether they're biological, fostered, or adopted." He explained.

"It's a little overwhelming, but..." Dave ran his hand along the wall "I've never had my own room. So it was gonna be overwhelming anyway." He chuckled half-heartedly and turned to the mech "I love it, thank you." He turned his head slowly, Optimus gave a sad smile, but nodded his head "So, what are the rules? I know there's always rules, so I want to now them sooner rather than later." He explained.

"I have but a few rules, none of which are too bad, I hope. I ask that you are in my quarters by no later than ten o'clock." Optimus told him, Dave nodded slowly "I ask you respect everyone who come through this door. Important or not. I expect nothing but your best behavior." Dave nodded, that one definitely made a lot of sense "Bedtime will be eleven, unless you have no other choice. Such as schoolwork or your games." He then added "Other than that, I really have no rules and regulations. Other than that you enjoy life." He tickled the boy's side gently, Dave responded with a quiet laugh "And that's an order." He added.

"Far be it for me to reject an order from Optimus Prime himself." Dave grinned "Oh and by the way, I got that Football-"

"So have I, Dave. I spoke to your coach over the phone a few days ago." Dave looked at Optimus in surprise "If I'm going to take care of you, I want to see it I support you in this sport as best I can. I've already set aside four different days for different games." Dave stared at him in surprise "What? You're one of my children now. With the Decepticons gone I have no need to work each day of the week." He chuckled "I hardly do anymore." He admitted.

Dave smiled, he'd always felt left out in his football leagues as a kid for one fact. All his friends had cheering sections, but his parents never bothered to show up. The thought of having Optimus there to cheer him on at his games definitely made him feel good. "Never had a parent at a game before." Dave smiled "That'll be fun." He added.

"Better get used to that, Dave. I plan to go to as many as I can." He noted "Even when you play basketball."

Dave blinked, and wondered if he had some sort of file, maybe. He hadn't told Optimus that he even played another sport. Dave tilted his head, and Optimus chuckled. "When we took you form Dexter, your government files were put into the system. I asked to have a look at them." Dave nodded, slightly understanding "Basketball, Football, and a few years on the honor roll, no?" Dave nodded "It's all very impressive, David." He noted.

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