Chapter 7

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The next few days felt a little odd for Ben, but not a bad odd, more like a good odd. Ratchet was much more open with him, and a lot more, well, friendly. Ben no longer felt like a burden in Ratchet's everyday life. The mech went out of his way to help him through things, to talk to him, everything. Ben no longer felt lonely, not even slightly, he actually felt more welcome here then he did any place since his parents had died. He'd also gotten to meet the Autobots other than Sideswipe, which had been rather, interesting.

Mirage kind of scared him a bit, between his roughness and big swords. The Wreckers, well, Ratchet said it best, he was never going to want to talk to them again. After they'd spent the better part of their meeting poking fun at his puny size. And Bumblebee, well, he had been everything that Ben had imagined him to be. Cool, fun, and friendly, probably the friendliest to him outside of Ratchet. He'd actually hung out with Bumblebee a few more times following meeting him, even though he spent most of his time around Ratchet.

The only person he hadn't met was the big guy, Optimus Prime himself. But then again, Ben never expected to. Optimus was most likely a very busy mech, being the actual leader of the Autobots themselves. He didn't have time to meet him and he had pretty much accepted it by then. No, a casual meeting with someone like him was way too easy. He had to embarrass himself first. He'd been on a platform, messing around when he'd been sent dangling over the side, having backed up just a little too far.

He was hanging fifteen feet off the air, or around that, more then enough a reason for anyone to panic. He'd been just about to scream for help when he felt the metal underneath him, he'd first panicked, thinking he'd fallen without even noticing. But the barritone, calm, and soothing voice told him otherwise. "I've got you, you can let go, it's alright." He heard.

Ben first hesitated, but did as the voice told him, finding himself sitting in a large metal palm. Of course, when he turned around, he knew exactly who had saved him. Optimus Prime stared down at him, his blue optics piercing into his very soul. Ben felt his stomach tense, his face flushed of color. He'd been saved by Optimus Prime, the Optimus Prime, even though it was a strange way to meet, he still felt more then honored. "Y-You're... Oh my God." Ben grinned "Uh thank you, thank you for the save, Mr. Prime. Sir." He barely managed to breathe out.

"You're very welcome." Optimus crouched down, and set Ben onto the ground "I take it you are this Ben, my men have mentioned, no?" Ben nodded his head, rubbing the back of his neck "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, young one. I'd been meaning to introduce myself, but pressing matters have kept me from doing so." Ben, too dumbfounded to speak continued to nod "I'd be more careful next time if I were you." He nodded at the platform.

"Yeah, I just got bored. Ratchet was busy and uh..." Ben shook his head "I'm sorry, I'm just I'm so geeking out right now. Especially because you were well... The first Autobot I ever saw." Ben recollected that day, and though it was a haunting memory, he'd never forget seeing Optimus so close "It's so cool to finally meet you under better circumstances then, well, Mission City." He added, quietly.

Optimus noticed how starstruck and nervous the boy appeared to be. He was more then used to it, most, if not all children he met typically were. Optimus crouched down low to Ben, trying to level with him. "You needn't be so nervous, little one. As far as I'm concerned, you are a friend, even if we have not met." That comment made the teen blush a little "After all, I have heard nothing but good things, at least from Ratchet." He explained, smiling a bit, he looked around "Where is your little ferret friend?" He asked.

"With Ratchet, that's what he's busy with. He's kind of, you know, upgrading him or whatever." Ben shrugged his shoulders a little bit, looking up at him "I'm sorry if I disturbed you or anything. I got kinda lost and just started goofing off. It was pretty stupid of me." He told him, being honest, he wasn't big on the whole 'lying' thing "Maybe you can point me in the direction of the med bay? Ratchet's probably done by now and looking for me." He added.

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