Chapter 8

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Ratchet wondered quietly what Optimus was doing in his office that morning. It wasn't necessarily that strange, but this did not often happen. The medic sighed a bit, putting his wrench down beside Vos, who was in recharge after his tune-ups. "Optimus, what brings you here? Is your replacement arm functioning properly? In need of a touch up, or-?" He began.

"I'm here to talk to you about Ben."

Ratchet's spark skipped a beat for a moment as he stared at his leader. Had the boy slipped up? Had, after all this good behavior, he decided to just drop it all together? He cursed himself quietly, if he had done something wrong, he would never forgive himself. "How soon do you want him out, Prime?" Ratchet said solemnly, attempting to hide his unwarranted pain "I can-." He began.

"I was actually weighing our options... For keeping Benjamin here. With you." Optimus noted.

Ratchet stared at him, uncertain as to what to do or say at that moment. The medic shook his head slightly, and stood up, crossing his arms at his commander, uncertainty in his optics. "We cannot do that, Optimus. First of all, Mearing would never allow it." Ratchet shook his head, slowly, staring at Optimus "And secondly, I am not what that boy needs, despite what you obviously believe." He noted "I am old, mateless, and childless. I've never so much as had the desire to be a parent." He noted.

"Yet, you're all that boy wants, Ratchet." Optimus told his old friend quietly, Ratchet stared over at him, not saying a word "Whatever the reason, he is afraid to leave here. I believe there are other reasons as well but, in my talk with him. All he stated was he didn't want to leave you." The medics face fell slowly, his spark sinking slightly "I do not believe, he is the only person on this base who will be saddened, should he leave in two weeks either." He noted.

Ratchet had no idea what to do or say at this point. Someone actually willingly wanted to be around him? This was a first in his long life, outside of Optimus, Ironhide, and at times, Wheeljack that anyone had wanted to do so. He scared children, he was annoyed by children. He didn't take care of them, he wasn't a role model. Yet Optimus was right, and he knew it, he didn't want to send Ben back. Yet he wasn't sure he would be a good Father to him either. "And what happens..." Ratchet grunted "When and if it doesn't work out?" He asked.

"Earth customs are not like our own Ratchet. There is a system known as Foster Care." Ratchet turned his head, intrigued slightly "Rather than simply blindly adopting a child. As I understand, some choose to take them in for short, or long periods of time. They act as a Father or Mother to the children." He nodded his head slightly "And if, only if they so choose, they adopt the children, or at least, attempt to." The medic hesitated somewhat, turning his head "Much like William and his wife, Sarah did with that boy, Seth we found in Chicago." He explained.

"That's where you learned of this?" Ratchet asked.

"I inquired as to their means of taking him in the day we found out they had, yes." Optimus explained, as he leaned against the wall "You tell me all too often how his living conditions make you nervous, Ratchet. And I know, despite your attempts to show otherwise, you care about that boy a great deal." Ratchet looked down, knowing Optimus was correct "If you were even to give him a chance, Ratchet. Perhaps, we might learn what is happening there, as you tell me you wish to." The medic sighed quietly "And you would both be happy." He noted.

"But Mearing-."

"Forget Ms. Mearing for a moment, Ratchet. We can handle things with her." Optimus replied, Ratchet blinked slightly "Forgetting what others might think of this. What is it that youwant. Do you want Ben, or not?" He asked, Ratchet turned his head to the side slightly "Because I can very much guarantee you, that if you asked that boy if he wanted to live with you. Regardless of how experienced a parent you are, his answer would be a firm 'yes'." He explained.

Ratchet sat at his desk for several minutes, hand rested on his helm. He closed his optics slowly, he took a deep, inward breath, and he stared up at Optimus. "I will need the paperwork, won't I?" Optimus's mouth curved into a smile at this "I also will need to speak to Ben. Though I take your word for it, Prime. I want to be sure he understands what he is getting himself into." He explained "And Mearing-." He began.

"Will be in your office in three hours." Optimus smirked.

"How did you know I'd say yes?" Ratchet tilted his head, figuring he'd messaged Mearing.

"Because I know you, Ratchet. You were never going to let that boy leave." Optimus explained "You care about him far too much."

"Smart-aft." Ratchet snorted.

Optimus simply smiled, exiting the office, Ratchet only had to wait a total of five minutes before a soft knock came on the door. The door creaked open to reveal Ben, who was barely peeking through the door. Clearly, the boy was scared of what he'd been called in for, especially following Optimus going in to talk to Ratchet. "What kind of trouble am I in?" Ben asked, looking up "I swear I never-." He began.

"You're not in any trouble at all, Benjamin. I only wish for us to talk." Ratchet gestured towards a human-sized seat in front of his desk "Please, have a seat young one." He added.

Ben stared at Ratchet quietly, a little nervous even after the reassurance. The boy shifted uneasily in the seat, trying to keep his eyes from looking up at Ratchet. He knew why, most times when an orphan was in a seat like this, it was bad news. "Listen, I've been... Thinking about our situation. And I've been wondering if..." Ratchet hesitated, unsure of how to say or approach this "You'd perhaps like to forget about going back to the orphanage. And might consider living here, with me, even for a little while." Ben's head shot up at that.

Ben felt as though he'd had the wind knocked out of him. Had Ratchet actually just said that? Was he simply hearing things? Ben wasn't sure, but either way, his heart was pounding so hard, he was surprised it hadn't lept out of his chest. "Y-You're serious?" Ben asked quietly "Me, living with you. Like a-Like a Father and son?" He asked, unsure of what to say himself.

"Yes." Ratchet replied calmly, he stepped forward slowly, taking a deep breath "Ben,I don't know what it is about you. But something about you has become... Very special to my spark. And when we manage to get everything sorted out. I do want to take custody of you as a Foster Son." He noted "I'm not, certain how good of a Father I'm going to make. I've never wanted a sparkling." Ben nodded his head slowly "But I can try, if you really don't want to leave. I don't want you to leave either." He explained quietly "I'm willing to try." He added.

"Like, living here, under your care... Going to school?" Ben asked.

"Oh if you're living here, you're definitely going to school. No child living under my care will go without a proper education." Ratchet replied, amused he'd even ask that "I also think you need to spend more time with children your own age. As I don't believe you've had enough time with that." Ben nodded his head slowly, understanding "And I'm confident you will do well. But even so, as it is the summer, we are as of yet a few months away from worrying about that." He added.

"But Mearing... Will she-?" Ben began.

"She will if Optimus Prime vouches for you, which I can tell you he most certainly will." Ben smiled at that "What do you say, Ben? I need an answer now, as I will be signing paperwork to put you in my custody today." He noted.

Ben sat there, uncertain of where to look, what to say, or what to do. Ben smiled a bit, and stood up, hugging the side of Ratchet's leg. The medic was surprised by the act of affection. But none the less, he took that as a 'yes'. Ben smiled a bit, and looked up at him calmly. "That answer your question?" Ben asked, Ratchet smiled down at him, he carefully scooped the boy up "I just hope that Dexter-." He began.

"I don't think it should matter what he thinks anymore, Benjamin." Ratchet told him gently hugging the boy with his index finger "He isn't in control of your life, anymore, Ben. And you will not be going back there." He told him, gently setting him onto his desk, Ben stared up at him "I promise you that. You will never see that disgusting pithole again." He noted "Not after you go and get whatever possessions you left there, that is." He added.

Ben grinned up at Ratchet, the widest smile Ratchet had ever seen cross the boy's face. The medic couldn't help but smile back, whether he admitted it or not, Ratchet was happy too. All he could hope now was that he was doing the right thing. And that, most of all, Mearing wouldn't stop this newfound little family from happening before it even started.

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