Chapter 26

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Dave was more than excited, he was extatic. Sure, nothing was official yet, only request forms had been signed, but it was actually happening. Not to mention the bond, the thing that tied Ratchet and Ben so closely together, was something he now had. For the first time, Dave felt like he belonged somewhere, and like he was genuinely wanted by someone. That was a new feeling, the whole sensation of really being loved. Being tucked into bed at night and kissed goodnight, hearing the words "I love you", feeling the closeness only a family could have.

He was even, very slowly, calling Optimus "Dad". He'd only mustered up the courage twice, but after how his last Dad treated him, it was a little hard. Yet Dave still did think of Optimus as a Father, especially now that he was pushing for permanent custody as soon as possible. Optimus had also signed up for PTA at his High School, though he had informed them he couldn't make every meeting, he wanted to be somewhat-involved if nothing else. He'd also promised Dave he'd take him to get nice clothing for the dance, which was coming up within two more weeks. Since Dave didn't have any nice clothing, it was an exciting prospect.

Dave stepped out of his bedroom that morning to find a file on the table. He looked down, confused, but Optimus, who stood there smiled. "Figured I might open this with you in the room." It was only then that Dave noticed it was from his Social Worker "It is their response for me to get full legal custody of you until the hearing. If we get this, you cannot be taken away." He noted.

Dave felt his heart beat rapidly at that, his entire fate was in that envelope. Optimus was gentle, an tender, to open up the file. Dave could tell he was nervous as well, but as he opened it, a smile crossed his lips. "Looks like my petition to adopt is going through." He crouched down, and set it in Dave's hands "You have no more reason to worry about being taken from here now, David." He noted.

Dave smiled, widely, happily. It wasn't adoption, but it was a start, the first step to his adoption. He felt tears fill his eyes again, he hated being emotional, he really did. But just knowing that until their adoption hearing, he could not be taken away made him feel good. After all, it was the first loving home he had, and who knew what the other homes may be like. "Did they send you the forms too?" Dave asked.

"Not quite, on Earth, we receive those closer to the court date. When they do an inspection of my home." Optimus replied "As well as a background check. It will not be easy, as I grew up an orphan before I too was adopted... But I will do what I can." He explained, Dave looked up and nodded his head, Optimus smiled "Couldn't have come on a better day either, it's your first game tonight, is it not?" He asked.

Dave grinned, he nodded his head, he had almost forgotten in his excitement. "Yeah, jeez, I'd totally forgotten all about that." Dave admitted, he gently pulled his backpack over his shoulder "First game against our rivals, Mid Valley High. You're coming, right?" He asked.

Optimus nodded, after all, it was one of the days he had set aside already. He took a deep breath, and looked at Dave calmly. "Risking any kind of emergency, as I promised, I will be there, son." Optimus noted, setting his lunch in Dave's hands "Bumblebee is giving you a ride today. Sam is on base this morning, and I need to get my work done so that I am free tonight." He explained "I hope you don't mind." He noted.

"Not at all, Bee's awesome." Dave noted, smiling up at him "Love you, big guy!"

Dave settled his lunch into his backpack as he headed for the door to the quarters. "Love you too, David. Have a good day at school." Optimus called back as he smiled to himself.

He now had legal rights to keeping Dave until their adoption hearing. He knew he was lucky, as with his government connections, he had been able to get that right so fast. But if he hadn't, he knew it was very likely it would have been rejected. He'd like to see that social worker tell Dave he was going anywhere now. The man still made his spark burn a bit, Social Workers were supposed to be there for the kids, his had just been cold. He took a deep breath, he'd hold back his feelings on the matter in order to keep Dave calm.

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