Chapter 22

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Dave had slept long and hard on what he'd talk to Carl about the previous night. To the point where he still laid in the guest bedroom long after his eyes were open, deep in thought. Ben seemed so happy with Ratchet, and Dave, well Dave felt an extreme level of happiness around Optimus. Could it be the same thing? Dave shifted slightly, it wasn't just that, and he knew it. His real Father was still on the loose and heaven only knew what he'd do if word hit him of something like that. Not that it was currently happening, but Dave mused, if it did, things could go from bad to worse.

Climbing from the soft bed calmly, Dave stretched, dressed, and carefully made his way downstairs. Carl wasn't up yet, but he did find Optimus relaxed in the den, flipping through channels on television. "I didn't know you watched TV." Optimus turned his head at Dave's comment "I always took you for the silent reading and classical music type." He chuckled.

"I dabble in a few television shows when I have the time to watch." Optimus noted as Dave made his way over and sat beside him on the couch "Your human programming fascinates me. So many choices, quite a lot of creativity." He explained.

Dave allowed Optimus to wrap an arm around his shoulders. It wasn't the first time he did it, but it was the first time it felt meaningful. "Dave, we need to talk." Optimus noted, he stared down at the boy "About your placement in a home." Dave didn't have time to respond before the mech began to speak again "At base, a series of papers awaits me. I called social services last night. If I sign them, I would become your new legal guardian." Dave's eyes looked upward, and his mouth gaped "It is not adoption, it is Fostering." He noted.

"Which means what, exactly?" Dave asked.

He'd heard Ben use the word 'Foster Father' for Ratchet before, but he had no real idea what it meant. It'd always confused him, for many different reasons. But he did his best to just smile and nod when Ben brought it up. "What it means is that you wouldn't be alone anymore." Optimus explained, letting go of him and turning slightly so that they could see eye-to-eye "I don't want to leap right into adoption, I could easily get a hearing for that but... I still am getting to know you, but it does not change the fact that we have made an undeniable connection." He noted.

"Y-Yeah, I felt it too." Dave said quietly.

"Indeed, I overheard your talk with the Ambassador last night." Dave's face flushed of color, but Optimus only smiled "Do not be embarrassed, young one. For my actions are my own. You're a good kid, and though I know Ratchet likes you, he has Ben to worry about." He took a gentle hold of both of the boys arms "With me, I could offer more protection and stability than you've had in your life. Much more." He looked him straight in the eyes "I promise I would never raise a hand to you." He then added "This is your decision, but I offer you a home with me." He finished.

Dave stared at Optimus in the eyes, the mech's eyes were very honest. But Dave still felt a certain level of fear. Simply because it was hard for him to trust at this point, at least for now. "I know you're afraid to trust again, and I do not blame you." Optimus told him quietly "But I will protect you, Dave. And if that... MAN." He struggled to use the term "Were to ever go after you, it will be the one time in my time on this planet I break my vow not to harm humans." He then added "For I will NOT let him get to you." He added.

"You swear?" Dave asked quietly.

"I swear it with every fiber of my being, David." Optimus told him firmly.

Dave stared Optimus in the eyes, and what he saw was a man of his word. The mech wasn't going to hurt him, he knew that. And he also knew Optimus cared about him, he'd never done anything to prove otherwise. "If you'll really have me, I-I'd like to be a part of your family." Dave replied quietly, uncertain of what to do, nearly stunned into silence "I just don't want to put you out." He admitted.

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