However he let Shion do as she pleased since he hadn't really been paying her any attention the past month. Just making sure she was happy and healthy because he wasn't a horrible human being.


The blonde finally arrived at the clinic after a twenty minute drive then proceeded to go inside. He scanned the area for his fiance and spotted her sitting in a corner with her mother.

She looked like she was about to cry. Her face was riddled with worries and body tense. The male walked over to her and her mother notified Shion of his presence.

"Hey," he said and she stood to greet him. He kissed the side of her lips and she did the same to him. "How long have you guys been waiting?"

"Just a few minutes," Shion said. "I think we'll be called in a little-"

"Mōryō-san?" A nurse called. "Mōryō Shion-san?"

That caught all of their attention and the two females stood up. Miroku, Shion's mother, whispered something something encouraging into her ear and she nodded. Naruto noticed this and became suspicious of the real reason why her mother was here.

What if...? No Shion wouldn't lie about something like this...

"Go ahead and switch into a hospital gown and take off all your other clothes so the doctor can examine you," the nurse instructed, handing Shion a gown. "She'll be in shortly."

"Hai," the light blonde mumbled as she handed Miroku her purse. Her mother turned so she could change.

Naruto folded her clothing as she undressed herself down to her undergarments. She slid on the gown and the Uzumaki tied it in the back for her, being a perfect gentlemen. After she had the gown on, then she took off her undergarments, Naruto also folding them and putting it with her other clothes.

The paper on the exam table crinkled as she sat down. Within minutes a doctor with short brown hair entered the room with a clipboard.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Shizune and I'll be taking care you and your little baby for the next months." She said with a kind smile. "Let's get started shall we... Mōryō Shion-san?"

"Hai," she leaned back onto the table. "This is my mother, Miroku, and my fiance Uzumaki Naruto."

"Pleased to meet you," Naruto said but Miroku remained silent with a solemn expression.

As Shizune was getting everything prepared she asked all the routine questions and answered any concerns. She figured Shion to be about two months pregnant from when she described her last menstrual cycle.

"Okay so the fetus is still too young to be seen by a normal ultrasound so I'm going to use the vaginal wand, is that alright?" Shizune warned her as she lubricated the wand.

"Y-yes that's fine." The pastel blonde muttered, getting more nervous by the second.

She knew that the doctor wasn't going to be able to detect a fetus because there never was one! She'll be diagnosed with a hysterical pregnancy and Naruto will leave her, and she's made peace with that fact. She just didn't know why she waited a whole month.

Shion hissed in slight discomfort and squeezed Naruto's hand. He comforted her and told her to relax, which she was trying to do.

A few minutes passed with Shizune searching and Shion just wanted her to say it already. Miroku was there for Shion because she knew this fact too.

However, her heart dropped once the very quiet thumping on the fetal monitor was heard. "And there's your baby."

"What?!" She gasped and looked at the screen. Her mind was racing a million miles a second and her mother was just as confused.

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