Silence fell upon the room as Orion focused on her hand that was being held by Tom's, the ring shining under the light of her bedroom. "Baxter gave it to me," she breathed out, eyes far as she relived the memory, "when I was officially instated as an angel."

A grin rested on Orion's lips as she was presented to the audience, an especially loud cheer sounding from them at the mention of her age. The youngest in the history of her sector, she was bound to be successful. At least that's what Baxter believed.

Orion bounded up to Mr.Baxter with that same smile, to which the older man swept her up in a hug. "I'm so proud of you," he whispered in her ear, squeezing her a little tighter. "I knew from the moment I saw you that you were destined for greatness."

Orion pulled back, smiling up at him. "Really?"

Baxter matched her smile. "Really. I've never doubted for a minute that you would accomplish unimaginable things, Orion." She watched as he pulled back, before taking a box out of his pocket. For a moment, his facade came apart, allowing a bashful smile to spread across the man's lips. "I... got you a gift." He slowly opened the box to reveal a ring, three letters engraved in it

"OLL. Orion Laila Lopez," she recited as she took the ring out of the box and slipped it onto her middle finger. She looked up to the man with a grin. "I love it. Thank you." She stepped forward, wrapping her arms around his torso as her head fell to his chest. "Thank you for everything."

Tom's eyes bored into her as she retold the memory of the day she became an angel, his chest swelling with admiration for the girl. It was obvious that despite his questionable approach to raising her, Mr.Baxter was a big influence on who Orion was today. And he couldn't deny he really liked Orion today.

He squeezed her hand gently, snapping her out of her daze, her features softening as she met his gaze. "Today will be okay, I promise," Tom whispered to her, to which Orion nodded. He leaned forward to leave a chaste kiss on her lips before sitting up completely. "Now, I liked dress three, what about you?"

A smile tugged at her lips as she stood from the bed, picking up the dress as she did so. "I liked that one too."

Three dresses and an interruption from Mateo later, and Orion and Tom were finally at Baxter's house.

Turns out, Mateo also had a date tonight and needed advice on which dress shirt gave off the "I'm down to sleep with you but not that down" vibe. Those were his exact words. Orion looked to Tom hopelessly when he said them, while Tom immediately told him which shirt better fit that description, much to Orion's surprise.

Unlike her twin counterpart, Kelsey didn't have a date that night. In fact, she hasn't had any dates as of lately. Orion didn't realize it then, but Kelsey and Clover had been getting pretty serious before all hell broke loose. Or at least as close to Kelsey can get to serious. That being said, Kelsey found it a little harder to date when she'd gotten so close to something real. Instead, she decided to try to turn over a new leaf completely.

Her resignation from the Do Gooders came as a surprise to her friends, and especially to the club themselves, but she finally came to realize she had to do things for herself rather than for others. She reached out to Orion at one point about getting a job in the office, but ultimately decided against it as it brought back too many memories, finding herself a job elsewhere. Mateo insisted that she was doing good all on her own, his sister always being the more independent of the two, but Orion couldn't help but worry about her.

Heaven ── TOM HOLLANDWhere stories live. Discover now