Clover's eyes darted over to Orion, her cheeks a bright red as she opened her mouth. "See you in hell, Orion."

If Orion wasn't mad before, she was after that. It took all her self control to not launch herself at the girl at that moment, an overwhelming urge for violence taking over her as she glared back at the teenage girl. "Detain her," Orion spat, hands curling into fists at her side.

Baxter wasted no time, not bothering to spare a glance to a bewildered Talia watching on as he rounded his desk and pressed the button to summon guards. In less than a minute, guards were stepping into the office and grabbing onto Clover. Shockingly enough, the girl remained silent as she was handcuffed and lead out of the office, the entire office falling silent to watch the scene unravel. Orion watched Clover walk away with guards at the door, suddenly noticing her friends presence beside her desk a few feet away.

Thought all three looked as if they were all feeling different towards the circumstances, the three could agree that of all things they expected Orion to do, it wasn't that.

"Orion." Tearing her eyes away from her friends, she was forced to look into the concerned eyes of Mr.Baxter, his hand resting on the small of her back. "We need to discuss Clover's trial immediately, then you can get back to your friends." Orion nodded, silently stepping back in the office, avoiding Talia's calculating gaze. "My first question is how did you discover all of this? All of Clover's wrongdoings and mischief, she went behind your back, I'm assuming."

Orion nodded. "She did." Swallowing the lump in her throat, Orion straightened up, ridding herself of any nerves. "I was accidentally summoned to Clover's home where I overheard her plans to attend the party that I wasn't aware of, which I later found out was a rebel group's. I didn't want to rush to conclusions, so I investigated with the help of two friends and found Clover there."

"Then why is Kelsey Garcia dressed in the same attire?" Orion's head snapped to Talia, who watched her with a single raised eyebrow. "Kelsey and Clover are romantically involved, or were per se, so did she attend this party as well?"

"She did." Talia smirked. "But I also overheard Clover manipulating Kelsey into attending, appealing to her as a lover, if you understand what I'm insinuating."

Talia rolled her eyes. "You expect me to believe–"

"Enough, Talia." The two girls turned to their superior, who watched on with a frown. "I appreciate your efforts on this investigation, Talia, but Orion has raised an interesting point. If Clover and Kelsey are romantically involved, and Clover just willingly turned herself in for wrongdoings, it's possible Kelsey was only present because of Clover."

"Sir, you can't be-"

"I said enough, Talia." Talia shut up, her body tensing at his demanding tone. "Kelsey Garcia isn't up for trial anymore, Clover Campbell is, so consider the investigation on Miss Garcia closed." Her face fell. "Now, please resume your regular assignments while Miss Lopez and I discuss the circumstances of Clover's trial."

Talia, seeing she's clearly lost this battle, nodded in response, shooting one last glare to Orion before stepping out of the office. Orion visibly relaxed once Talia left the room, a weight being lifted off her shoulders now that she no longer was under the girl's calculating gaze.

"Orion." Her head snapped over to the man, whose eyes were narrowed at her. "I can trust you, right?" Orion's brows furrowed, her head tilting slightly to the side as a way of silently asking for him to further explain what he meant. "I dismissed Talia because I wanted to discuss this privately." His eyes darkened significantly, causing a chill to run down the girl's spine. "You understand as an angel you must maintain your integrity, so please reassure me, I did make the right choice by believing you over Talia, right?"

Heaven ── TOM HOLLANDWhere stories live. Discover now