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HAII! Sorry I haven't been posting lmao

Anyway as I said there will be drama or more action in this chapter kinda, well just introducing it or it could be a lie too x,x

AND AND I have fallen in love with this book the locker exchange diysguysuyshn BRYLER FOR LYFEEE I've only read up to chapter 25 because I need to write this chapter lol


Chapter 19

Marinette's P.O.V

Only a week until the 100th Moon, Time has flown by hasn't it? I almost forgot the reason why I'm here and staying. Although it was for Adrien, it was also because I wanted to give back their freedom, even if some particular people didn't deserve it.

When we got reminded by Gabriel, a wave of realisation washed over me. Adrien, is going to be the next King, to Parisilla. I doubt that he has had proper training, but since he was the next heir to become chief I guess he should have at least basic knowledge on how to rule over people, if that makes sense.

"Marinette! Hurry up! We need to get your dress fitted on!" Alya shouted, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Wait dress? Alya you know I hate dresses, although they do make me feel pretty and bring out my princess side, there extremely uncomfortable!" I argued. It's true, long gowns or dresses do make me feel like an actual princess but they're extremely uncomfortable and such a hassle to deal with.

Alya rolled her eyes and tugged my wrist to the tailor. Tales & Tailor, "Tikki is inside I'll wait here" Alya chirped before running in a different direction. I grumbled and pushed the door, it made a tiny ring when I walked in, I assumed Mr Agreste reserved the entire store for the day because only Plagg and Tikki were inside.

I sat down in the arm chair in the corner and sighed, "You guys owe me a break for the amount of times you wake me up so early" I mumbled, my hair was barely fixed and I was just wearing an oversized shirt Adrien lended me, and wearing my black skirt. It had a few holes and lose strands of string but it was better than my underwear.

"Where's Adrien?" I yawned, "Nino said he's going to get him so don't worry" Plagg replied, I nodded. "Marinette! Come in now! Your dress is ready!" Tikki shouted in the dressing room, I groaned and pushed the curtains to reveal my dress. It was a strapless laced sleeved dress, the top of the dress had like the top of a heart. Laced draped over the dress, with layers of see through material tied into a neat bow, the skirt part was layered with soft silky fabric and covered with the same see through fabric.

The back had a little loops of fabric and two pieces of other fabric were dangling at the top, my eyes moved over to a park of white shoes, with a dusted pink embroidered rose on them. "Let's get this over with." I sighed.

I was nearly done putting on the outfit, Apparently Tikki was giggling when she placed this satin lace ribbon thing on my thigh. "How many kids do you think your going to have?" Tikki joked, she was tying the ribbon at the back of my dress to finish it off, "Tikki! You little-" My sentence was interrupted by a couple of snickers. I groaned, "This isn't funny".

"Done!" She exclaimed, "Great! Now can I This off? It's really uncomfortable" I replied with a fake smile, slowly taking theses high heels off, "No no! We need to show the guys and Alya!" Tikki pulled me up and shoved me out of the dressing room. I closed my eyes for impact, I'm going to stab someone in the eye with theses high heels maybe even myself! Why am I not hitting the ground?

I slowly opened my eyes to see a flustered blonde boy holding me in his arms, "H-hi" I stuttered. "Hey" Adrien replied, I quickly got up and fixed myself. "How do I look?" I twirled around to show the others, carefully minding my steps. Alya squealed like a mad girl when she saw me, I looked over to Adrien, he covered his mouth with his hand and looked away. I mentally giggled at myself.

"You look great Marinette! You look like an actual princess" Nino smiled, Plagg nodded in agreement. "For once" Alya added, I rolled my eyes. "Marinette let me see your garter!" Alya demanded, I gave her a questionable look, in the corner of my eyes Adrien looked even more flustered as he heard that.

"My What?" I asked, without second thought Alya was pulling my dress up to the skirt part of the dress, "Alya!" I screamed, I could feel the air gently past by my thighs. "Plagg Nino! Look away!" I struggled pulling my dress down, "You too Mr Agreste!" I yelled, Adrien turned around at the speed of light. He was at least 50 shades of red, times 50 I think his wolf ears were a little red too.

I blocked Tikki And Alya's Squealing And fangirling And got lost in my thoughts, Is this what my life has come too?

Third P.O.V
"Your Majesty I suggest we go tomorrow if we want to get to the Princess before she gets Married" Volpina explained, "Yes Yes, Everything is prepared and we must find our daughter," Sabine replied, "I have also heard Alya, one of Marinette's friends, snuck out to help her but she is now also a hostage to the werewolves" she spoke.

"I also have a few people I know that can help with this operation, but they do demand a price after." She looked up to the King and Queen with her green eyes, "Go on," Tom replied. "They demand 10 000 after this operation," Volpina lowered her voice, she was expecting a yes, and she got it. "Deal." "R-really? They will be happy to hear"  she faked a grin.

"We have decided to go to Akuma forest the day after tomorrow" Tom smiled, she nodded and took her leave.

Volpina left the throne room, making her way to the gates and into the outskirts of the Akuma forest. She noticed 2 hooded figures and walked over casually. "So Lila, when are they coming?" One of them took their hood off, Chloe. "The day after Tomorrow, and they agreed on paying you 10 000, Mark." She stated, "Good, time to get that princess and rip her hair off." He grinned.

"Remember don't kill any of them" Lila lowered her voice, in a threatening way "I won't sweetie" he smiled, he soon ran into the forest and disappeared. "They won't know what hit them!" Chloe cackled, she soon joined in. "Bye Lila!" She yelled before turning into a wolf and running into the forest.

Lila laughed, "After Marinette.. I'm coming after you Chloe" she smiled and winked grin and walked back to the palace.


HO MAH GAWD okie so this might be a little rushed so please excuse all the grammar mistakes!
Sorry for the shitty chapter again x,x

Anyway! I would also like to announce I have a Instagram! Follow it if u want, I just post all my little edits, it's xprxncess.chat

See you in the next chapter!

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