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Welcome! To trash ville I'm the mayor ;D

After I've finished this chapter (For you guys it will probably be posted) I will be working on a new book ! Like I've said before (I think) it will still be a Fantasy themed and still MLB

TIme to shUt uP and Do shiT

Warning - May contain Violence

Chapter 7

Marinette's P.O.V
I went to go take a stroll in the Forest, you know to cool down. Wasn't really a stroll when I heard two idiots that were-

"HELP! SOMEONE HELP!!" "SAVE US ADRIEN", Lila and Chloe were running out of a cave, running away from a bear.  Since I was such a good person, I went to go save them.

I took of my shoes and started running after them, from what I could remember they were running towards the cliff. "Chloe Lila! Run!" I grabbed a huge branch and hit the bear, in the distance I heard there screams slowly die in the distances towards where the rest were.

I sighed in relief, now I needed to take care of a bear. I used the branch to block its jaws from my face, and pushed it away. I took this chance to run away, I ran as fast as I could, I didn't know where I was going but I'd find my way eventually.

The bear was slowly closing behind me grabbing bits of my dress and rip it off. I threw everything I had at it, I found a bush and hid in it.

I lost my bow, and most of my dress looked like I just came out of a tornado. "Well at least my arm is fine" I sighed and made my way up. I heard a growl, I slowly turned around, to see the same bear... "Oh sh-" I started running as fast as I could again.

My legs started to feel weak and I slowed down, I found myself at the same cliff. But I couldn't see the same branch, there were just twigs everywhere. The bear pounced on me, and started scratching me, and possible giving me flesh wounds.

I screamed in pain, and cried in fear.

Adrien..where are you?

-Meanwhile with the Others-

Adrien's P.O.V
Marinette has been gone for a while, I wonder where she is..

I went to go lie down, Tikki And Plagg were in each other's arms, Nino was leaning against a tree, probably already asleep. It was so peaceful

But it would have been better if Marinette was Here..

"ADRIKINSS!  SAVE US!" I whipped my head around, I saw Chloe and Lila quickly approaching me. Tikki And Plag yawned and I looked up, "where's Marinette?" "Oh you mean Maritrash? We left her with that bear, She's probably dead right now, Adrien! Why didn't you come save us I broke my Nail and my dress is ruined!" Lila complained

There dresses were barely touched, there were just twigs and leaves in their hair. "Are you saying you left Marinette to die? When she just saved you?" Nino stretched is arms. "Uhm.. yeah! I didn't want to die I'm too beautiful to die!" Chloe examined her nails.

My wolf ears twitched, I heard a faint scream and an even more faint cry.. Marinette.

"You left her alone!?"I yelled at the two, "yeah but at least we're safe right Adrikins!" Lila and Chloe climbed onto me. I shoved the, off to the floor. "Ah! What was that for Adrien?" Lila whined, I didn't even want to answer that question.

I transformed into a wolf and started running towards the faint scream and cry, I assumed the rest did the same because they soon followed.

Where is she?

What if she's already....dead?

I started to run faster,  the thought of Marinette being dead, at this point I know I do have have feelings for Marinette. The sound finally lead us to where Marinette was.

I de transformed, I saw a helpless Marinette, lying on the floor, blood was all over her dress and body. Cuts and scratches all over her arms and face. Knowing the bear, it probably made her already injured arm even worse, my heart awed in pain.

She was unconscious, I felt my hands slowly felt weird. I looked at my hands, skin was replaced by fur, and my nails were replaced by sharp long claws.

My eyes adjusted, everything was more clearer, like my wolf vision. I charged at the bear, growling at it. It pushed my off and gave me a wound at my chest. Blood stained my black shirt underneath, I charged it again, this time digging my claws into its fur into its belly.

I knew this was wrong.. but it was for Marinette. Blood tattered my clothes and claws, along with my face. The bear Roared in pain. I saw Tikki picking up Marinette and ripping bits of her dress to stop the bleeding,  Plagg and Nino hovered over her.

I soon gave it one last slash, It closed its eyes in defeat. Blood spilled everywhere, I slowly got off the dead corpse and walked over to Marinette.

Tikki started crying on Plagg's shoulder, "is she still breathing?" I huffed. Tikki nodded, I picked her up bridal style and we walked down the hill. Marinette looked terrible, she was on the verge of dying. It made my heart sink, that I couldn't be there.

When we got back to our spot, Chloe and Lila came to me fake crying. "Adrien! Why did you leave us alone? We could have died!" Lila whined and Chloe agreed.

"Maybe because you aren't the one that's on the verge of dying!" Tikki yelled, she looked mad, she wanted to claw Chloe's and Lila's eyes out.

Lucky we had Plagg to stop her and hold her back. "Well she's probably faking it, and it was her fault she wasn't strong enough" Chloe scoffed.

"She saved you, and your saying she's fake dying? Chloe she could have left you to die and you and Lila are here saying she was too weak to defend herself. She's only a human! She doesn't have the strength us humans have" Nino scolded, before they could say anything back, Plagg butted in.

"She May be a human but she was strong enough for you two idiots to run away." Plagg stated. I gave them the cold shoulder and walked off.

We were in town, Most people were in shock, I still felt blood slowly drip out of me, but Marinette is more Important. I reached the Nurses house, and knocked on the door.

"Hello?" Mylene, peeped out of the door, "Mylene can you get your mother please?" I asked in between breaths, I was getting hazy.

"Of course! Come in" Mylene opened the door. "Sweetie Who was at the door..?" Mylene's mother looked at me, she then Noticed marinette in a worse condition than mine. "Adrien! Come upstairs and bring the girl you need serious medical help!"

I nodded and brought Marinette upstairs, I laid her down on a bed, before I knew it, I had already collapsed and fainted.


DAMN THAT WAS A CHAPTER, this one was just over 1000 words.

Did you enjoy it? Lmao

I will be working on my new secret book HEHEHEH
But it won't be posted until I finish this book!


Hoped you enjoyed and see you in the next chapter!

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