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HELLOWWW! Ik the past chapters have been crappy and shitty tbh chapter 14 WAS shitty and I dun mind if you agree

Now about the ending I know how it's going to end Hint hinT AdrienEtte gEts MarriEd HinT hInT And there will be more drama but I'm not quiet sure if I could like put it in words and how I'm going to plan what's going on so..

The last chapters might be crappy asf

OnTO The BoOk

Chapter 15
The Stress and The Love
~Timeskip to next day cuz I can't do shit~

Third P.O.V
Marinette felt down, and that was all too it. She was stressed and worried, and by doing so she would tend to snap at people. She didn't want to, but with everyone finding out her secret it's been pretty tough not too. Especially with Chloe. Chloe has been going around flapping her mouth around to other villagers about what had happen and not trusting Marinette.

This clearly had an effect on Marinette and her friends started seeing it too. She wasn't loved in the village, the village that gave her freedom and an adventure. With the Villagers wrapped around Chloe's Manicure finger, no one knows who to trust.

Adrien clearly noticed this behaviour, but with the 100th moon soon to come he couldn't really talk to her, and it made him slightly frustrated he couldn't.

Marinette was sitting on the railing of the balcony, wearing her red cloak and her outfit that still had tainted pink blood stains on it. Gazing upon the blue midnight sky, funny enough it was midnight, and it was a full moon too so no one was out. Only the sound of the howling wind was heard.

She closed her eyes, leaving her with nothing but pitch black, she took in her surroundings by touch and sound, and sometimes taste too. The smell of vanilla waffed last her nose, while the sound of leaves being brushed against each other making a peaceful rustle.

Marinette sighed at the peacefulness, No mutters no secrets no nothing. Just nature being well nature. "Marinette?" The voice was barley heard, but loud enough to stop her gaze. Marinette rotated her head to face the voice, Adrien. "What are you doing? I don't want to be trapped in an armchair again while you whisper nasty things to me" I joked, he just rolled his emerald eyes.

He slowly walked out past the doorway, towards me, slowly resting his arms on the railing. "Well, I wanted to speak with you, you seem stressed and distant" he paused to see her reaction, her head was just dangling from her neck looking down onto the ground, Marinette's hood covered her eyes with a shadow.

She cleared her throat, "What do you mean? I haven't been distant or stressed" She awkwardly giggled, mastering a perfect false smile. Adrien sighed, he moved his hand towards the direction where her hands rested on the railing. When his fingers brushed hers, he gently intertwined them. Just enough so he was grasping her hand but not enough so that she would fall off the railing.

Marinette looked at him with curious eyes, while Adrien looked towards the full moon. "How are you not being your.. you know" her voice was laced with curiosity, but with fear. "Sometimes it never happens, now about you being stressed and distant" he trailed off and looked her in the eyes.

It was a feeling both Marinette and Adrien missed when their eyes met, Blue colliding with green, like the sky meeting the earth after a very long time. "I haven't been stressed or distant at all" she smiled again, "Don't play games with me Marinette."

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