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Holy shit I've been living under a fucking rock because I'm in love with a new song that most people knOw bUt shhabwugbs it's called Gibberish Gbeusgybsubs

SOO I HAVE PLANNED OUT EVERYTHING AND I KNOW WHAT THE UTTER FUCK HOW IM GOING TO END THIS BOOK  dvshgsgg AND ALSO Since I like drawing I decided to make a little representation on what Marinette would like now like her princess form and her outfit now in the story soo go check that out on the top

I do also have another book i do kinda wanna post it but maybe after I finish this book and I might make a schedule on what chapters I will post on and BLAH BLAH BLAH To the book~

Chapter 16
Stopping Time and Racing hearts

Marinette's P.O.V
I felt like pudding, all wobbly and weak for some reason. I stretched my arms and let out a quiet yawn, running my hands down my midnight hair all the way down to the back of my neck.

Everything that happened yesterday is kind of a blur to me, I walked down the wooden stairs towards the wood door, until I greeted by the sounds of gunshots. My eyes widened as I heard growls and blood curdling sounds outside of the door, I ran upstairs and grabbed my knife and jumped out of the balcony door.

I landed safely on the ground, making dust swirl around me due to impact, I looked up to see Bandits. I scurried into the shadows in between the houses hiding myself. "Get me the princess!" A man yelled. My heart stopped, is this my father's doing? Well.. he was the one who just placed a bounty on my head! But my father wouldn't do this he would take the sensible approach and theses are just bandits who need the money.

My heart was racing furiously like it was racing 100 miles per minute as I just stood there. Dust surrounded the entire village making it murky and very hard to see, my eyes widened as I heard furious growls and howls surrounding the village.

I couldn't see much, due to the dust and not wanting it to get in my eyes. Swishing it away to see what was happening, some of the dust got into my lungs making it hard to breathe, I soon heard a familiar voice that turned into a loud scream..Alya!

I started running towards the sound, note I was running into a battle field where I could barely SEE! My heart was racing and my lungs inhaled more dust, making it harder to breathe while I was running. The dust finally cleared and I saw Alya with a gun to her head in a headlock.

"Now you dirty dogs, you will tell me where the princess is or I will shoot this girls pretty head off" The man holding the gun holding the gun was tall, he was wearing a white shirt with normal beige pants, he had a hat and a leather jacket around his neck.

"I'm telling you I am the princess!" Alya yelled stomping on his foot. "Don't play games I know what she looks like you fools" he spat, holding her tighter making her starting to choke. I felt my heart stop, I felt time just stopped. I could hear my heart beat going slower, almost every beat lasted at least 2 minutes.

"I'll tell you where that trashy princess is!" Chloe yelled, transforming into her human snobby self. Glares shot straight through Chloe, by the looks of it she didn't give a crap. "Where is she pretty lady?" The man had a smirk upon his lips, a sick twisted smirk.

Without second thought, my knife was slicing through the air, piercing through one the bandits behind the man, it was followed by a blood curdling scream. "What the?-" The man holding Alya turned around seeing one of his men on the ground bleeding.

"H-he's dead? How?" One of the bandits asked as he checked his pulse, Time reverted back to its normal state, I found a gun, a pistol to be exact, just lying on the floor with only one bullet inside. I carefully picked it up, while the bandits were busy figuring out who did it, blaming each other.

I found a pair of electric green eyes staring at me, Adrien. I slowed my breathing, placing my finger on the trigger waiting. I found Alya's eyes as they calmed down, probably due to the fact she was about to die. I noticed in the corner of my eye Chloe was going to say something, until a red furred wolf tackled her down.

My eyes closed, everything started slowing down, my heart beat, my lungs, my breathing. I took in all the sounds, I felt eyes closely watching me, the trees rustling the steps of different animals. I shot my eyes open and pulled back the trigger.

I watched the bullet enter his head and right out through the back of his head, blood squirting everywhere. The lifeless body fell onto the ground, his eyes rolled back. Silence filled the village at they watch him fall onto the ground, "Show yourself! Who killed him?!" One of the men yelled loading his gun. Soon the group followed.

I dropped the gun making a slight clanking noise as the pistol hit the ground, I breathed in and out, the adrenaline still pumping through me. The bandits turned around to see who dropped the gun, emerging out of the shadows, my red cloak gently flapping against the wind.

"I did" I huffed, "Who are you?" One of them yelled, ready to shoot. "I thought you knew" I replied, my breathing was out of control. "Stop playing games! Who are you?!" The same man yelled, his gun was aiming for my head. "If you knew it wouldn't be fun anymore" I replied calmly.

From the corner of my eye I saw a few of the werewolves change back into humans, Tikki of course was now in a cat fight with Chloe.

A gun shot was heard, Time once again stopped, but this time everything was black and white. Multiple screams were heard, I saw Adrien running towards me, and yet I didn't know why.

Until I notice a bullet coming towards me.

CLIFFHANGER OOOO please don't hate me lmao

Maybe I'll post the next chapter today or tomorrow depends!

Anyway~ I Hoped you enjoyed and see you in the next chapter!

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