Her lips tilted up on one side at the thought of it, momentarily forgetting that Mateo was watching her every move. He let out a shrill gasp at the sight of her smile, her cheeks beginning to turn a rosy color. "Were you out on a date?"

             "What–No!" She wouldn't consider that a date, at least.

              "Then what the heck, Orion? Just tell me." Orion tensed up when a smile suddenly spread across his lips. "You wouldn't have happened to be out with... Tom, right?" All of five seconds passed before Mateo jumped up, eyes wide. "I knew it!"

           "I didn't even say anything!"

           "Didn't have to, your face said it all!"

            "Did not!"

            "Did to!" Mateo's grin widened. "What were you guys doing?"

              If she responds, she exposes that she was actually out with Tom and has to listen to Mateo's relentless teasing. If she stays silent, he'll eventually get bored and drop the topic. Seeing the second option was the better choice, Orion stared blankly at the boy, making him raise his eyebrows at her.

              "Not responding to me?" No response. "Fine, I'll just go ask Tom myself."

               Orion's eyes widened, and before Mateo even made it out of the door, she was snapping her fingers. She let out a yelp when she tumbled right into a body, hands immediately going to her hips to steady her. She quickly pushed away from Tom, flushing as she realized she was still in her pajamas.

             "I know I said I'd stop snapping into your house unannounced, but Mateo is on his way here and you can't tell him anything," she rushed out, Tom's eyebrows knitting together in confusion. "He kinda pieced together that we were hanging out last night and I don't want him to know the details of that."

             "Why? Isn't he your best friend?" Tom rose an eyebrow.

             "Yeah, but I wanna figure things out first." Tom stared at her blankly. "You know... this... us?"

             His lips quirked up. "There's an us?"

             "I'm sorry, did you expect me to kiss you then move on?" Orion scoffed, a look of amusement taking over Tom's features. "Because that's not how this is gonna work, Tom. Sorry to disappoint."

            "Not disappointed at all," he teased, Orion's cheeks flushing. He had half a mind to reach out for the girl and tug her in for a suave kiss, but he wasn't able to follow through as his front door was thrown open. As expected, Mateo came barreling through the door, mouth already running with a stream of questions.

          He froze at the sight of Orion, eyes narrowing into a glare. "No fair, you have your snap asap thing."

           Tom looked between the two in silence, the best friends having an unplanned staring contest. He almost considered slipping away and avoiding the situation they'd gotten themselves into, but Mateo wasn't going to allow it. He let out a huff of defeat after blinking, Orion following with a triumph sound. His eyes quickly landed on Tom, who wore a smile of innocence.

           "What did you two do?" Mateo gestured to the two young adults. "I know you did something, but Orion won't tell me what."

           Tom let out a scoff. "Us? We did what we usually do, watch movies." His eyes trailed over to Orion, her teeth latched onto her bottom lip. "Lots and lots of movies."

          A blush dusted over her cheeks and she was quick to look away in fear that Mateo would catch on. Thankfully, he'd kept his gaze on Tom, hoping to make the boy crack. Mateo eventually let out a sigh. "Fine, but I know something's going on, and I'll find out what it is."

          With that, Mateo turned on his heel, dramatically leaving Tom's home. A silence lingered between the two for a few seconds before Tom bursted into a string of giggles, a wide smile settling across his lips. "I love him," he managed to choke out, Orion rolling her eyes in response. "I'll find out what it is. My god, it's not like we killed someone."

           "It'd be much easier to tell him that than the truth," Orion muttered, pushing herself up to sit on Tom's counter. "He's going to act as if I betrayed him when we do tell him."

           "Details, details," Tom waved it off. He made his way over to Orion, settling between her legs, hands resting on her thighs. "Our main focus is us right now, isn't that what you said?"

           Her lips quirked up. "Yeah. Us."

            He picked up one of her hands, placing it on his shoulder. "So, if we're focusing on figuring out us, I guess I should take you out on a date." He rose an eyebrow at her, Orion biting her bottom lip to keep herself from smiling any wider. "So, Orion, will you do me the honor of letting you take you out on a date?"

           "You're so cheesy," she chuckled, though she could feel her cheeks heating up under his intense gaze. "Yes, Tom, I'll go out with you."

            He grinned up at her. "I bet you didn't picture yourself saying that to me when you walked in here for the first time looking all grumpy."

            "Shut up," she muttered, moving the hand that rested on his shoulder to the back of his neck, before lowering her lips to meet his. Tom let out a sound of content, hands moving to wrap around her waist, pulling her close to the edge. Wary of how close to the edge she was, Orion wrapped her legs around the boy, bringing him flush against her. She could feel Tom smirking against her lips, making her tug lightly at the hair at the nape of his neck.

            The two were so entranced in one another, that neither heard the low rasp of a knock on Tom's door. And with their eyes shut and low sounds of pleasure filling the room, neither noticed when the door opened and in walked someone.

            "Oh my god!" Orion was quick to reel back at the familiar shrill scream, cheeks flushed and eyes wide as they locked with those of Kelsey. "I freaking knew this would happen!"

           Oh boy.

Heaven ── TOM HOLLANDWhere stories live. Discover now