Oneshot No.1

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Fred rushed Orion into St

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Fred rushed Orion into St. Mungo's Hospital, her in his arms as she cried out in pain. It felt like de Ja Vu except for this time, the outcome would be amazing, painful but amazing. Their first child was about to be born and even after three months of knowing she was pregnant neither of them really could come to terms with the thought of having a child until now. She was, in fact, six months pregnant when she and Angelina spoke in the bathroom that afternoon.  

"I need a healer, she's having a baby! At least I hope so!"Fred called as they entered. Instantly a wheelchair was brought to their aid and Orion was placed into it and being wheeled into a delivery room. Fred helped changed her into a hospital gown and on to the bed where a healer was to help her deliver the baby. "It's going to be okay, just breathe through it, baby," Fred said to Orion as she clutched his hand.

"DON'T FUCKING TELL ME TO BREATHE THROUGH IT WEASLEY! I TOLD YOU, YOU WERE TO GROW A VAGINA AND GO THROUGH THIS NOT ME!"She roared her hair changing colour rapidly as she cried in pain. A healer notified her that she was about to check how dilated Orion was and she checked causing Orion's eyes to widen. "I thought you used a fucking ruler to measure not stick your hands up there!" She hissed through gritted teeth.

The healer chuckled sending her a sympathetic smile before saying, "You are fully dilated which is great so when you next contraction comes along you need to push."

Instantly, Orion hated the healer who acted all happy-dappy whilst she was going through immense pain. She tried to calm her breathing but found that awfully hard especially when the first contraction came and she had to push. "Fuck! You're breaking my hand!" Fred cried, "Please can you not squeeze my hand?" He asked innocently. 

Orion shot him a look "GET OUT THEN YOU FUCKING GREAT ASSWIPE, WANKING MOTHER FUCKER!" She screamed as another contraction started, Fred went to walk away but she punched him in the balls, "DON'T FUCKING LEAVE!" 

Fred's eyes widened as he doubled over in pain immediately grabbing hold of her hand once more despite the pain in his genitals and hand. He brushed her hair out of her face and the sweat from her forehead as she pushed again. He glanced down to see a tiny head of red hair. "I can see the head!"He winced, "Come on Ryan, you can do it!"

"I AM NEVER GETTING PREGNANT AGAIN! I'M DONE! MY OVARIES ARE RETIRING!" The healer once again chuckled and Orion shot a glare at her. "DON'T LAUGH AT ME!" 

Thankfully the healer understood that it was probably the pain talking and didn't take much notice of her only focusing on the birth and the baby. "One final push!" She started smiling. Orion pushed like her life depended on it her screams caused Fred's ears to ring but he didn't care his baby was born. 

His baby boy. 

* * *

The healer cleaned up the baby and the mess before allowing the couple to hold the baby boy. Fred squashed on the bed beside his wife and cooed at his baby. "We didn't come up with any names." He whispered for an unknown reason. 

"I know." Orion replied smiling down at her child, "How about Ace?"

"I like it." Fred nodded, "Fred Ace Weasley."

Orion rolled her eyes, "No Ace Weasley. Not Fred Ace Weasley, we already have one Fred no need for another." 

Fred sighed but nodded, "Okay, is he going to have a middle name?"

"If you want him too." Orion said not tearing her eyes from her baby boy, despite how much she wanted to close them and sleep as her vagina and thighs ached. Fred whispered in her ear the middle name he thought of and she beamed, "Perfect."

Their whole family burst into the room, Molly asking to hold her grandchild, to which the pair obliged and handed their child over to her. "What's his name?" Asked Tonks as she glanced over Molly's shoulder.

Fred and Orion looked at each other grinning before saying at the same time:

"Ace Sirius Weasley."

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