Chapter 2

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Chapter 2>> Jasper Merrigold

Song of the chapter>> 'You've Got a Friend in Me' by Randy Newman 

"Mother fucking, Merlin Balls!" Orion exclaimed as Norbert spat a ball of fire at her, whilst she picked at his dead scales. 

"I am not even going to ask, but can I please get that on a t-shirt." Cassie grinned as she looked over at the young worker who was blowing on her arm. "You should get that checked out." 

Orion shook her head, some of her blonde hair falling from its braid, "After my shift. Norbert behave! Otherwise I'll leave you to do this, rubbing against the bark of a tree, getting splinters." Cassie giggled as she watched Orion scold dragon who promptly sighed, creating a puff of black smoke. Orion coughed, and spluttered before taking the bucket full of dried up scales. She dumped it near the gate of that area of the sanctuary. 

"I'll be with Fraser." She yelled to her fellow worker and picked up a bucket of dead rats. She gagged, as she walked to another area. "Oh the delightful smell of dead, rotting rodent." 

"You'll get used to it before long." Said someone, from behind her. "So you're the famous Orion Waterstone, I'm Jasper, Jasper Merrigold."

"Please call me Ry, or Ryan. Orion is horrible." She nodded, in greeting. 

He laughed, "It's a cool name, but I want to be different. Can i call you Ori?"

"Sure...if I can call you Jasp?"

He nodded, "Where are you heading?" 

"To Fraser, he's gonna have a little feast on some rodent." She shook the bucket.

"He does love his rats." 

"So I've heard, where are you going then?"

"Oh, I'll join you if that is alright?" Jasper turned to her and opened the gate to Fraser's area. 

Ryan nodded and handed him a few rats. "Better get to work then, Jasp." 

The pair spent the rest of their shifts in Fraser's area; feeding, playing and checking his health. But most of all they were getting to know each other. She found out that he was a Ravenclaw only three years above her, and that is where she recognised him from. He has one sibling a sister called, Anna who was also a Ravenclaw but a year older than him, and both of his parents are curse-breakers that work for Gringotts. "That's cool, Charlie's older brother Bill is a curse-breaker."

"Yeah, my dad is his boss." Jasper snorted. 

"Oh, well that is cool." She replied. 

Jasper nodded slightly, "tell me about your family."

"Uh, I'd rather not." Orion muttered biting her lip. 

His eyes widened, "Oh I am so sorry, I forgot, it was in he paper, I am so sorry." He gushed. 

She shook her head, "Nah, s'alright, don't worry 'bout it."

"You sure?"

"Of course, now my shift is over, I better get this burn checked by Bash or Alec, before Charlie see's it." She looked at the burn.

"One, how did you get that? Two, why do you need to hide it from Charlie?"

"Norbert was being fussy over his scale de-picking, and his mother and father are going to attempt to use a muggle phone, and video chat us tonight, along with my godfathers To see if we are okay." 

"Ah, yes well you better head to the healers. See you tomorrow?"

"Why not." She smiled. 

Why? {Third book in the I am Who? Series} *COMPLETED*Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum