Chapter 5

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Chapter 5>> Better?

Song of the Chapter>>When you're gone by Avril Lavigne

As soon as Orion realised what was happening, she jumped back. "S-sorry, I-I- that shouldn't have happened." She exclaimed.

Jasper looked at her confused, "Why not?"

When the pair kissed, it wasn't as disgusting as the kisses with Malfoy, but she didn't enjoy it like she did Fred's. There wasn't any of the amazing feelings she got with Fred. No fluttering stomach, or fast beating heart, instead it was like their faces were pressed against each other, not for long, but long enough for her to know it wasn't right. "You like me don't you?" He asked.

"Yes, as a friend, Jasper." She replied, standing up as he edged closer.

"But I don't like you as a friend."

"I'm sorry, but-"

"But what?" He butted in, "We so close, and you're not like any other girl I know."

"I just don't feel that way about you." She raised her arms in surrender.

Jasper stood up, backing her into the wall, "But you should, we'd be great together." He placed his arms either side of her head, much like Flint did that time in her dream. She internally shuddered at the thought. "Give me a chance, babe, you won't regret it."

Jasper was acting different to how he normally acted, he was so kind and collective, but this was a different side to him she didn't want to have to see. "Don't you understand the word no."

"Don't talk back, it's rude." He spat, his face closer to hers.

"Or what." She turned her nose up at him.

Jasper didn't reply, but only pressed his lips to hers once more, in a Malfoy-style, rough, disgusting kiss, but also pressed his wand to her abdomen. She pushed him off, and wished she hadn't put a silencing charm on the room, as she yelled for him to get off of her. "Leave, and don't talk to me again." She screamed opening the front door, but he didn't move, only smirked in her direction. She swiped her wand from her pocket and used the first charm she ever had the hang of first time around.

With a swish and a flick aimed in his direction she said, "Wingardium Leviosa!"

He writhed around in the air, shouting curse words at her, before she dropped him down on on the grass outside of the house, slamming the door shut and locking the door. Jasper, sighed and apparated to his house, and Orion took the silencing charm off of the room.

Orion collapsed on the sofa, and cried. That seems to be the most repeated action she has done in the past year- crying. She longed for everything to turn back time, to the summer before her first year, of course the only difference would be, Cedric being alive. She longed to be best friends with the twins and not in a relationship with one of them, back when things were not as complicated. As the tears ran down her cheeks, she began to fall asleep. Right there on the sofa, crying.

* * *

Charlie descended down the stairs the next morning, and noticed the messy hair of Orion over the back of the sofa. "Morning, Ry." He greeted, but received silence. "Ryan?" He asked again, before walking around the back of the sofa, and standing before her.

He noticed her tear stained cheeks and and instantly sat beside her, shaking her lightly awake. "Ry, what's wrong?" he asked as she opened her eyes.

"What do you mean?" She croaked, her throat dry.

"You've been crying. Tel me why, Ry?"Charlie hugged her.

"Jasper kissed me." She muttered.

"That's a bad thing?" Charlie pondered.

"He kissed me once, and I told him it shouldn't have happened, and stood up, he told me he liked me, I said the feelings weren't mutual and-" She choked.

"Go on."

"he kissed me again, whilst I was backed into the wall, and his wand was pressed to my abdomen. I pushed him off and chucked him out, but Charlie, I hated it." She sobbed.

"That's assault!" Charlie roared.

"No-no it's not." She gasped, and tried to cam him down, as his fists clenched.

"Yes it is! He forced himself onto you, even though you said no! And he had his wand pointed at you!" Charlie shouted. "RYAN! HE CAN'T GET AWAY WITH THIS!"

"Just leave it Charlie." She muttered, her head in her hands.

"NO RYan." He stopped himself from shouting, "We need this sorted, so it can't happen again."

"It won't I'm a big girl Charlie, I can look after myself."

Charlie sighed, "I know you can, but it's just, I have grown up, with you being another sister of mine, and I can't help but care. You know, Bill would do the same."

"I know." She nodded, "Please just leave it, besides, I am with you all day today, and Jesse has taken me off Fraser duty now, and is only keeping me on duty with the dragons you look after, so I won't have to deal with Jasper, again well alone anyway."

Charlie smiled, "Thank Merlin. To be honest I always thought something was weird about him, I just shrugged it off when I saw him with you, he seemed alright."

"That's what I thought, I mean, I haven't known him long, but still I thought he was alright. Just I don't see him in that way." Orion replied, running her fingers through her matted hair.

"You still like my brother don't you." Charlie lopsidedly smiled.

She breathed in, "Yeah, I do."

"That's understandable, I mean you broke up with him so he wouldn't get hurt."

"Yet, I hurt him, anyway."

"But death hurts more than heartbreak. You would never forgive yourself if you let him die." Charlie said. Talking about his younger brother being threatened of death, pained him, but he knew he would have to talk about it one way or another.

"I wouldn't, you're right." A stray tear slipped from the corner of her eyes, and she quickly wiped it away. "It seems that crying is a habit of mine lately, and I despise it."

"You may have not defeated a dark lord, but you still have gone through a lot, Ryan, in this past year, don't beat yourself u about crying. After all, there isn't many people who could say what you can say."

"Say what?"

"You're related to Harry bloody Potter. People would kill to say that."

"He's just my cousin." Orion shrugged.

"Say it, you know you want to. He may be your cousin, and you may think it is normal but others do not and would love to be in blood relation with the boy who lived."

"Fine." She sighed, snorting slightly.




A/n- You're not you when you're hungry.

Eat a snickers.



Get some nuts.



Why? {Third book in the I am Who? Series} *COMPLETED*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें