Chapter 36

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Chapter 36>> Escape

Song of the Chapter>> Out of the Woods by Taylor Swift.

Orion waited until she saw him at the top of the stairs and called out to him. He hobbled down the stairs with a questioning but afraid look on his face. He looked at the too relations of his friends and the ginger boy with them and was silent. "Can you help? Ron, he's passed out." Orion asked. 

Stupidly he nodded and brought the keys from his pocket, sliding one into the lock and twisting it open, stepping into the chamber. He bent over Ron's body on the floor and Ron raised his leg kicking him in the balls and Orion pushed him to the ground, stunning him and placing a full-body-bind curse on him. Immediately the three clambered up the stairs and began to disarm the adults in there including the other Waterstones. Bellatrix Lestrange had Hermione on the floor a knife in her hand, dripping with blood and she pulled her by her hair up into her and clutched the knife to her neck. 

"Aw look, Ry-Ry and Harry have come to play as well as Won-Won!" Cackled Daisy. 

Harry lunged at them, "YOU! YOU KILLED THEM! YOUR OWN SISTER!"

More spells were shot and the Waterstone's were unconscious, Bellatrix started yelling abuse at the three and saying things about Hermione. Ron looked as if he would shoot the killing curse at the deranged woman but all fell silent as the chandelier rocked back and forth. They all looked up to see Dobby swinging. He glanced at Harry before clicking his fingers and allowing the light to fall, him jumping off in the process. Bellatrix let go of Hermione and Ron leapt forward grabbing the girl and clutching her to his chest. "You little-"Bellatrix started pointing at Dobby. 

"Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends!" He yelled once again and Orion held onto her cousin, Ron and Hermione. Lestrange threw a knife at the group just as Dobby disapparated away with them all, landing on the beach by Shell Cottage. 

Orion dropped next to Harry, Dobby further away from them, Ron holding Hermione who was crying in fear further away too. "Dobby!" Cried Harry as he crawled towards the house elf who was coughing and spluttering just as Dean, Luna, Bill and Fleur exited the house. "d-Dobby no! You promised!"

Dobby laid there in Harry's arm, the knife covered in his blood on the sand. "Dobby served Harry Potter. Harry Potter freed Dobby. Dobby loves Hary Potter. Harry Potter...." His eyes rolled back and his breathing stopped.

Dobby the house elf was dead.

* * *

The Weasleys, Remus, Tonks and Sirius in his dog form arrived at Shell Cottage at different times. Fred pulling his fiancé into his arms. Sirius transformed back into human form and pounced on his godson who had recently buried Dobby. Fred didn't care who was there, he brought Orion into a kiss and held her tightly. "I fucking love you so much, and I don't want you to leave my sight again."

"I love you too, but I can't stay at the Burrow," Orion replied as she caressed his cheek. "Nor my house."

"You will stay in the Room of Requirement, as will Dean and Luna. That's where Neville and Ginny are keeping the DA and other students, it's where we have been able to broadcast from, you'll be safe there." Fred replied, "I will stay there too, I am not leaving you, not again."

Orion nodded saving questions for later she slipped her body from Freds and went over to Tonks. "Ryan?" She questioned a baby boy in her arms. "What's wrong?"

"Uh, can someone hold the baby, not Remus." She said and confused Tonks let Molly take her baby from her. "I'm sorry, we were all ambushed, Tonks, your dad.... he said he loved you, and your mum and the baby, I'm really sorry."

The young woman shot a hand over her mouth as tears rolled down her cheeks, Remus rubbed her back but the woman embraced Orion into a tight hug. "I- thank you." She sobbed, before falling into her husbands' arms. Her hair fading to a dull blue colour. 

Remus nodded at her in appreciation for telling the woman and Sirius hugged her from behind burying his head into her shoulder, he had lost his cousin-in-law but he had got his godchildren back. "Edward, Teddy for short." He said and pointed at Remus and Tonks' baby. 

It was a melancholy day for everyone but it was also a happy one as everyone was back together and knew each other were okay. However, it also meant that the end was near. They couldn't tell if it was to be a good end and all those who fought would survive or that the end would be horrific, death, too many deaths. ABout the amount that Trelwany predicted Grim in her lessons. 

One thing they did know was that soon it would be over. 

A/n- The end is near, hopefully, it will be finished by the end of the year :(

What do you want?

Sad or Happy ending?

Fourth Book or finish it on this book?

I have plans for all of the options so choose away!

Why? {Third book in the I am Who? Series} *COMPLETED*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें