Chapter 45

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Chapter 45>> Night time.

Song of the chapter> all night byMatoma ft. the Vamps.

Fred wasted no time in bringing her in for a kiss, he cupped her cheeks and his lips danced with hers. She held on tightly to his shirt being able to move for the first time in a few weeks and she smiled into the kiss. they broke apart just as George, Molly and Remus burst into the room, Tonks carrying Teddy and Harry following in behind them. "Is there any water anywhere?" Ryan asked, "My throat is like sandpaper."

Fred nodded and passed her a glass that he had been drinking from that was on the bedside cabinet. She carefully downed the last of the water in the glass and sighed in relief. She smiled gratefully at him and pushed herself up into a sitting position. "You're free." She exclaimed at Sirius, "Congrats, Uncle Puppy and the answer to your question is you can stay as long as you like."

"Good because that's where I have been staying along with Moony, Tonks and Avatar over there."Sirius pointed at Teddy who was sporting bright blue hair. Tonks shook her head at him in amusement and Remus clapped him round the back of the head. "How are you feeling though?"

"Eh, alright, better now that I am not stuck like a piece of concrete and looking into darkness. By the way, I could hear you long before you realised, nice pant size, Georgie." She nodded at him, "Why were you discussing that with Lee, anyway?"

The man shrugged, "Dunno, just was. You say anything else you heard, constellation and you won't have a wedding day." He warned jestingly.

"What like your di-"Fred covered her mouth so she couldn't say no more.

"We want a wedding don't we?" He turned to her.

She nodded just as Quentin entered the room. "Ah, it's lovely to see you awake, Miss Waterstone. I just have to do a few checks, is that alright?" The girl nodded once more and Fred let go of her so that Quentin could get started. He checked her heartbeat and pulse. Also checking her breathing a few other things. "Havre you got a headache or any pains?"

"Nope, other than back pains but that's probably just from laying down for however long."

"That's very good.We'll have to keep you in for at least a few days to check how you are but then if all is well, you should be able to leave. I will be back later, get some rest." He patted her head and left the room.

"Patting my bloody head? What does he think I am?" She exclaimed.

* * *

Fred still stayed overnight only this time he laid down on the bed beside her, holding onto her as she held onto him. It must have been early once again when Fred found himself awake and staring at Orion as she slept. He was so thankful that she was awake. It might not have seemed that long but a few weeks felt like years to him. He hoped and prayed that she would be okay in a few days so that they could go home and plan their wedding. He buried his hands in her hair and rubbed his thumbs across her jaw. Orion hummed in her sleep and her eyes opened tiredly. "What are you doing?" She asked him, yawning and stretching.

Fred didn't reply but he smashed his lips hungrily onto hers. He wasted no time in deepening it with his tongue, her hands roaming his body, his still in her hair. Fred's hands moved in a massage-like motion causing her to moan and slip from reality.

The pair must have made out for what seemed like hours but really it was a few minutes. They didn't stop because of air, though. "I had to stop."Whispered Fred, "Otherwise the healers might have caught us mid 'play' if you know what I mean."

Orion made a squeaking noise and slipped beneath the sheets as her face and hair changed colour. Fred laughed and ducked his head under as well to find her with her eyes closed and snores emitting from her mouth. "O-kay, that was quick. You never fall asleep that quickly." Fred pulled her out from being fully beneath the quilt and wrapped his arms around her. "As soon as you're my wife, I will feel complete. I might overflow with our sixteen kids."

"Grow a vagina and have fun in labour then." She murmured and rolled over.

"Are you actually asleep?" Fred asked.

"Nope." Her eyes opened and she sat up, "I just wanted to see what you would do if I was."

Fred shook his head, "You are something you know that."

"I know."

Fred and Orion sat talking for hours and only fell asleep when the sun began to come up. Molly came over with some food as the hospital food was utter shit and she walked in to find the pair with smiles on their faces as they slept. "BACON! BACON! BACON!"

"Ronald!"Hissed Hermione as Ron, Harry and her all entered. Hermione carried flowers, Ron was chanting about bacon and Harry held chocolates. "They're asleep."

"Not anymore, thank you, darling pillock of a brother,"Fred grumbled and flipped him off. Ryan stirred in her sleep and opened her eyes.

"I'm awake and I smell bacon. Oh hey you four-Fred remove your hand before I chop it off." Orion said and Fred moved his hadn from where it was placed raising it in surrender, a smirk on his face. "Honestly, will you ever change?"

"Nope, I'm stuck this fabulous."

"Fabulous my arse."

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