Chapter 55

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Chapter 55>> Epilogue 

Song of the Chapter>> Hedwigs Theme

It had been a whole year and four months since Fred and Orion's wedding and that year had been amazing. They shared their first Christmas as a married couple, they had a blast but didn't forget that they were still very young. There were tears, there was laughter, there were arguments, there was stress and there was joy. However, they still were not living together. Sirius had moved in with Fern, and Angelina had moved in with George. Tonks and Remus and Teddy had their own house so Orion was living alone. 

She returned home each night from work to cook dinner, eat dinner and clear up by herself. She sat down on the sofa going over recipes and bills by herself, occasionally Fred would stay over or she would stay at his but mostly she was home on her own. Orion would be lying if she said she didn't feel alone at all when most nights she did. She fell asleep quite often crying because of this but at the same time, she didn't want to bring up the topic of moving in together with Fred because she was afraid he would say no. She was afraid that he wouldn't want her to move into the flat or he wouldn't want to move into the house with her. Which was silly really when they were married. Little did she know he was planning to ask her sometime soon anyway. 

It was a Sunday afternoon and she was over at the flat visiting the twins and Angelina, having a Sunday roast with them to show off her improved cooking skills. Working in the bakery had really helped, especially when Violet gave her copies of her recipes for meals and Molly did as well. "Wow, love this is actually edible." Grinned Fred. 

"Ha, ha, thanks." She commented rolling her eyes and flicking a pea at him. "I slipped some poison into yours."

"Unlikely." Fred commented smirking at her, "You wouldn't;t have the courage to do so."

"I bloody kicked my fat lump of an uncles arse after knowing him for all of two minutes. I don't think courage is needed, besides I am a Gryffindor, you nitwit."

George snorted and so did Angelina who said, "And this is why you guys love each other so much."

"Mhmm, sure that's exactly why, Ange, not the fact my brother is a complete wanker, no way. Ry are you okay? You are eating really slowly." George said. "You aren't afraid of your own cooking are you?"

"No. I am fine thanks, not really got an appetite is all. I ate a few cakes this morning after I nipped into work to run over a few things with Vi. I think they have filled me up to the brim, Georgie." She replied patting her stomach. "Food baby." She laughed. 

"We all have food babies!" Fred copied her action patting his stomach, "It's what is the consequence of a good meal."

* * *

Later on that evening, Orion felt positively sick. The cakes coming back to haunt her. She cuddled up to Fred on the sofa as the four of them indulged in some muggle television. "I still can't believe it is November already." Commented Angelina, "It'll be Christmas soon."

"November?" Asked Orion confused, "I swear it was may yesterday..."

"Why'd you say that?" George asked as her eyes widened. She jumped up dragging Angelina with her into the bathroom leaving her husband and brother-in-law confused, 

Angelina eyed her friend quizzically, "You okay?"

The girls breathing quickened as she paced back and forth, "Angie, the last time I had my period was April! I didn't take any notice until you said November, I mean I know what month it was and all but I didn't take any notice of it. I've been busy with work that I haven't thought about my period!"

"You don't think you're up the duff do you?" Angelina question placing her hands on her friend's shoulder so she would stop pacing. Orion bit her lip and looked down, "Right you need to get checked and not just through a test, if it hasn't been since April that means you'd be like six months along and healers would have to do so many checks! You need to go to the hospital, as soon as."

Orion nodded, "I'll go now."

"I think that's best." the pair rushed out of the bathroom and grabbed their coats. 

"Fred I need to go to the hospital." Orion said.



Merlin's beard. It's 00:29am on Sunday the 31st of December 2017 and I have officially finished the third book in the I am Who series? After writing about ten chapters yesterday and uploading them.

Thank you to all that have come this far in reading this series and have stuck with it. 




Thank you especially to you three who read my books, vote and comment a lot. It means a lot to see you liking my works. I hope to see you in the fourth book which will be up anytime soon. I will Post a note on here about it so look out for it. <3

But for now, 

I am IzzyBella3

and this has been Why?

Why? {Third book in the I am Who? Series} *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now