Chapter 6

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Chapter6>> the Burrow w/ The twins.

Song of the Chapter>> Lego House by Ed Sheeran

{totally didn't chose this because Rupert is in the video}

Throughout the day at work, Charlie would not let Orion out of his sight. When she went to the bathroom he waited outside the door, to make sure she was no where near Jasper, when they were working he wouldn't be too far from her. Orion knew he was only looking out of her and she appreciated it but couldn't help but feel as if he was being too protective.
Charlie could sense her becoming slightly irritated by the way he was acting; that didn't stop him though. He has seen her grow up, he treated her just as he would Ginny. Besides, Orion may seem like a strong girl but in reality she had held on for too long. With her friend dying, then her parents and brothers showing their true colours and getting whisked off to Azkaban, there was no surprise if she didn't have the right mindset.
She didn't.
Her head was all over the place, and he just wanted everything to be over. Many people would probably call her attention seeking, too over-emotional, if they knew. Nobody should ever have to know, but everything comes out in the end, she knew that all too well.
Christmas was not too long away, and Charlie knew it would do her well to be around Harry, Sirius and Remus but also the others, he knew coming to Romania would help in some way, but what she really needed was people who love and care about her, not that he didn't but, he couldn't provide all of the love she needed, yet doesn't realise is.

* * *
"Fred! C'mon we need to go to see mum!" George called for his brother as he stood in the shop, throwing his keys up and catching them. "FRED!" He sighed and ascended up to the flat, where his brother still laid in his bed, they decided to have the day off today, and once Molly heard about it she insisted they spent the day at the Burrow. "Freddie." He nudged the sleeping man.

Fred grumbled and rolled over, and yet again George caught sight of the same photograph that his twin clutched onto every night, and put in his wallet during the day. He pulled his brother up, causing him to awake, his eyes fluttering open, still bloodshot. "Freddie, we are visiting mum today, you need to get up." George said softly, bringing his brother into a hug. "This isn't helping you in anyway, mate."

Fred's head nuzzled into George's shoulder, and he mumbled, "I can't stop thinking about her."

"I know."

"I need her, Georgie."

"I know, but moping around won't help, stay happy and lively and the days will pass quickly and then next minute you know it is Christmas and she'll be home." George patted his back as he pulled away.

Fred nodded, "you're right."

Georges lips curled slightly, "now get ready, mum won't like to see you like this, she already fusses over us because we have moved out."

Yet again Fred nodded and began to get ready. It wasn't long until the pair were at the Burrow and being squeezed half to death by their mother. "Oh, it's so good to see my boys." She smiled looking them both over, " you don't know how proud I am of all of you kids."

Fred rolled his eyes,"we're not kids anymore!"

"I know, I know but you always will be to me, not matter how old or mat-how old you get." She lead them into the kitchen. "Now I hope you boys don't mind but Bill, Remus, Tonks, and Sirius are all here too."

"That's alright, and by Bill you mean and girlfriend?" George rose his eyebrows.

"Yes, Fleur is here." Molly grimaced.

Over the summer Bill, had began to date Fleur Delacour the Beauxbaton school champion in the true-wizard tournament, in Orion's sixth year. She had began to work with Gringotts to improve her English. The two met and now are boyfriend and girlfriend, however, Molly and Ginny both openly dislike the girl.

The twins stifled their laughs as they entered the living room. "Good day all." They both greeted.
"Wotcha boys." Tonks nodded as the others replied with simple 'hello's'.

They both flopped on the sofa, next to Remus and Sirius. "How's the business?" The latter asked.

"Dandy." Fred nodded. "Any news on getting cleared."

"Null, it's a long process, with only being able to go through Dumbledore, it's all a little difficult."

"You'll get through it mate, you survived death twice!" George clapped him on the back.

"That is true."

Remus chuckled and turned to the twins, "he's survived that many more times that twice, especially at Hogwarts."

Fleur's nose pointed higher as she flicked her long slivery-blonde hair over her shoulder, "Vhat do you mean by vat?"

"Let's just say the ladies man didn't go down with boys, especially when they were the boyfriends of the girls." Remus snorted but Fleur looked repulsed by Sirius.

"Ah yes, I mustn't forget the day I ended up in the hospital wing because Kenneth Gordy decided his girlfriend Penelope Davis was off limits." Sirius swiped hair from his face.

"You were a second year she was a seventh year! You had no chance!"

"Ah, Remus, that's where you are wrong, age doesn't matter." Fred smirked, as he winked at Tonks, her hair changing to pink. It was so obvious they both fancied each other.

"It does when she has boyfriend!"Remus exclaimed

Sirius scoffed, "please she was just playing hard to get."

"Whatever you say Padfoot."

"You know I am right Moony."

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