Chapter 24

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Chapter 24>> Valentines Day.

Song of the Chapter>> Starving By Hailee Steinfield.

Days flew by and soon enough it was well into February, valentines day to be exact. Charlie and Orion were eating breakfast as an owl swooped in through the window. "For you." Smirked Charlie passing the young woman the letter and parcel. Placing down her piece of toast and paperwork, Ryan thanked him and tore open the wax seal. 

Dear my gorgeous girl, 

Happy soppy day- sorry valentines day! Now, I know that we can't be together on this day, one because you are busy slaying dragons and I am selling lots and lots of love potions to sappy mother fuckers. Anyway, I hope you have a grand day, here are some chocolates and a teddy that smells of yours truly. The chocolates are normal, I haven't done anything to them, but if you don't believe me, ask Charlie to test one. 

Anyway, love you lot's munchkin, 

Fred x

"I take it that it's from my brother," Charlie asked, clearing his plate as Orion finished her toast and opened the parcel. Charlie took her plate as well, she thanked him and smelled the teddy. "What in Merlin's name are you doing?"

Orion grinned, "He's charmed it so it smells like him." 

"That's bloody weird."

"Oh, don't deny that if you could you would charm a teddy to smell like Norbert or Descar if you could."

"Oh fuck off Ry." Charlie chuckled shaking his head, "Now come on lover girl, we've got work to do."

The two strolled towards the enclosure but were soon stopped by Jasper. "Babe! I'm so sorry we haven't spoken since you came back, but I have been visiting my family. Happy valentines day babe, come to mine later and I'll give you a real treat." He went to kiss Orion who was looking at him with a mix of bewilderment and disgust but was knocked to the ground by Charlie. 


Getting off of Jasper, Charlie stood up rubbing his fists on is trousers, Jasper stumbled up and nodded, "Y-yes." He stuttered scared of the older man, rubbing his face of blood.

"What do you have to say to Ryan?"


"Good, now off you trot, we have work to do." Charlie pointed away from him, one of his arms wrapping around Orion's shoulder. Jasper nodded and scurried off towards the healers building leaving Orion hugging Charlie.

"Thank you, Charlie. You're a legend." She smiled. 

"You're welcome, nobody comes between you and my brother too much has already and I would rather get to the wedding without any more breakups." 

Spluttering, the woman choked on her breath, "Wedding?"

"Yes, it's obvious it will happen, of course not right now but one day. I can hear the bells already."

*  * *

"It's only six in the evening, Ry, apparate home, go and see Fred." Said, Charlie, about two hours after they had returned home from work.

"Will you be alright?" She asked, brushing her freshly washed and dried hair. 

The older man nodded, "Look I have worked hear a lot longer and lived here on my own, I'll be fine. Go see your man." 

Smiling she replied, "Thanks, I'm going to get changed first." 

* * * 

Fred was upstairs in his bedroom looking over at the photograph of him and Orion wishing she was there with him. He wasn't the soppiest guy in the world nor the most romantic but he did still want to spend this day with her. She had sent him some photographs of them both and some chocolate, to which was on his bedside table ready to be opened. He hoped she liked what he had got her as he sure as hell liked what she had got him. 

He heard the door to the shop open, the little bell tinkering and he heard George and Lee talking to someone, presumably Angelina or someone who generally popped in to say hello on her way home from work.

About ten minutes later he heard the door go again, his eyes had closed as he tried to go for a nap, and then some footsteps climbing the stairs. "George leave me alone!" Fred grumbled as the door to his bedroom opened, "I don't care what Angie said, you can tell me tomorrow."

Instead of 'George' leaving like he had wanted he felt somebody climb onto his bed and wrap their arms around him. His eyes fluttered open and he looked down to see his love cuddling him. "Happy Valentines." She whispered kissing his lips softly. 

"Happy Valentines, did you get my present okay?" She nodded her head and snuggled closer to him, Fred wrapped his arms around her kissed her head. "Good, your's was lovely thank you, baby. Not that I don't love you being here, but why?"

"Charlie kind of told me to come. Not that I didn't want to, it just didn't enter my head."

Fred nodded, "What do you want to do then?" 

"I dunno, I got my money off of Lee, by the way, he's just left. Angie hasn't been over according to George." 

"Alright, normally she has so I just assumed, but I do know what we can do if you're up to it"


"Something that we have never done."

"Fred. What?"

"You can still say no at any point."

"Fred-" She was cut off by the boy kissing her passionately, rubbing circles on her waist. It soon turned into a hungry kiss, like they were two homeless, starving people at their last meal. His hands were under her shirt and on her bare skin, he kissed her neck and then pulled away. 

"Do you wanna?"

Orion nodded, taking her wand from her back pocket, using it to lock the door, make the room soundproof so that no one could hear them, and then threw her wand to the side of the room and went back to kissing Fred. 

Why? {Third book in the I am Who? Series} *COMPLETED*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora