Chapter 10

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Chapter 10>> Christmas night.

Song Of The Chapter>> Burn by Ellie Goulding.

The blissful day was slowly coming to an end, as the adults were indulging in some firewhiskey, or some wine. Whereas the "kids" were getting ready to turn in. Ginny having just got out of the shower, Harry gazing from a window on the third floor, Fred and George informing Orion of some of the products they had created, and are creating, and Hermione and Ron playing chess.

"So we made a toy that has Umridge in a unicycle, shouting 'I must have order!', what do you think?" George told her.

"Great.." she smiled lightly rubbing her temples.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I've got a whopping great headache." She replied.

"Why do you go up to bed, sweetheart. It is pretty late." Tonks said coming over and sitting beside Fred.

Orion nodded, "I'm going to talk to Sirius and Remus quickly."

The three nodded bidding her 'goodnight' as she trudged out of the room. Tonks and George watched her leave the room only diverting his eyes off of the direction she left in after she had disappeared fully. "You love her? Don't you?" Tonks asked Fred, wrapping an arm around him. He looked down before nodding, "it'll get better, it may take a while but you just have to be patient, like some of us over here."

"You love him?" Fred asked her back.

"Very much. What's not to love about Remus?"

"That's how I feel about Ry."

* * *

Orion dragged her feet into the kitchen where Remus and Sirius sat with Molly, Arthur, Bill, Fleur, and Charlie. "You okay?" Charlie asked her as he noticed her rubbing her head.

"Bit of a headache."

"Why don't you head up to bed then, dear." Molly nodded.

"I was about to I just came to say goodnight and talk to Remus and Sirius." She replied.

Everyone nodded their head before the two men followed her out and into the dining area. She wrapped her arms around the two. "I love you guys."

"Love you too." They both replied.

"What's brought this on?" Remus asked. She shrugged. "Was it because of what happened this time last year?"

She half shrugged, half nodded. "Ry, you're okay now." Sirius said.

"I know, but that's not just what I am talking about." She murmured. "You." She pointed at Remus. "Need to get over the fact that you have a furry little problem, and tell that woman you love her."

"Ry..." he sighed.

"No! She doesn't care if you turn into a werewolf every full moon, she loves you, for you. Merlins beard, Remus!"

"But the age gap-"

"Doesn't matter!" She cut him off, "now if you don't mind, I am going to bed to sleep off the drums pounding in my head." She slumped off up the stairs and into the twins room before changing into her pyjamas and collapsing in her bed.

* * *

Large cracks were heard from outside of the Burrow, and instantly Harry's eyes widened as he continued to gaze out of the window; Ginny dressed in her nightwear and dressing gown, hair damp and beside him. "No." he exclaimed before the two ran down the stairs, joining everyone but Orion who gathered outside of the Burrow. A circle of fire surrounding the house.
Black smoke danced in the dark night, before heading to the ground revealing a deatheater, Bellatrix Lestrange.

Bellatrix cackled, "I KILLED ORION WATERSTONE!" Clearly not hearing the news that she was not dead.  She then turned around and scarpered, running off into the long stretch of corn field.

There was no denying Harry wanting to get revenge for her trying to kill Sirius and nearly killing his cousin, so stupidly he chased after her. "HARRY NO!!" Both Remus and Sirius yelled.

Sirius gripped his wand and ran after his godson, Remus chasing after him too, followed by Tonks.

"Harry!" Ginny screamed and bare footed ly chased after the four.

"GINNY!" Molly and Arthur cried.

Bill turned to his siblings, "nobody else move." They all nodded, fear lacing their eyes.

Harry ran, pushing his way through the corn hearing a mixture of Bellatrix cackling, "I KILLED ORION WATERSTONE!" And the others shouting "HARRY!"

He got to a slight clearing, where the pond started, the cold water covering his feet. His wand was raised, and soon Sirius, Remus, Tonks and Ginny joined the boy all wands apart from Ginny, raised. "You two stay between us." Remus commanded, making sure that he, Sirius and Tonks surrounded Ginny and Harry.

From different angles deatheaters emerged sickly smirks on their faces. Bellatrix, Fenrir Greyback, Rodolphus Lestrange, Yaxley, and a few others.

"Oh cousins, how nice it is to see you." Bellatrix grimaced at Tonks and Sirius "So sorry for your loss of dear, Orion Waterstone."

"She's not dead!" Sirius roared.

"Isn't she?" Rodolphus raised his eyebrows, "she soon will be then."

"You won't touch her!" Remus spat.

"Oh dear little Remus Lupin." Greyback smirked, "how's your mum and dad?"

"Don't talk about my family."

Greyback grinned in triumph before the other deatheaters shot a few spells at the group. Luckily the adults deflected them and shot some back. "Expelliarmus!" Cried Tonks but she was too late, the deatheaters all dissapparated.

"Back to the house now!" Sirius yelled, grabbing Harry and apaprating back to the outside of the Burrow. Tonks followed suit, holding Ginny. Before Remus also apparated. The five landed outside of the Burrow to find it up in flames and the Weasley's in tears, their whole livelihood gone.

"Where is Ryan?" Harry exclaimed.

"She went to bed!" Fred cried, looking up at the house scared. It wasn't until they heard a loud pop that they spun around to find a half-asleep Orion, covered in black from the smoke and falling debris. "Ry!" Fred called and engulfed her into a hug. "You're okay."

She nodded in his chest, her arms wrapping around his neck, "not getting rid of me that easily, I woke up smelling smoke to find room up in flames and apparated out of their. What happened?"

Fred explained the whole thing to her, her hair growing redder by the second. "I'm sorry about the house, Freddie."

"It's not your fault, none of ours, but Lestranges, and as much as it is bad, but I don't think magic can't fix it."

"Fred, it's okay to be upset."

"I know." He sniffed still not letting go of her.

"Let it out."

Why? {Third book in the I am Who? Series} *COMPLETED*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें